Under the Bare Light Bulb

I’m facing interrogation being interviewed by Sheri Savill over on her website today in her Under the Bare Light Bulb feature, talking about my book Hope Heals (ninja assassin pet goats, anyone?). Please stop by and witness the steel cage match check it out! Under the Bare Light Bulb

Guest Post: Mile-High Muses (and a Giveaway)

Please stop by and visit me over at Mile-High Muses today. You can read about the origins of my Drunk Monkeys series, crazy shit Hubby hears me ask, and there’s even a giveaway! http://www.milehighmuses.com/2014/07/giveaway-today-with-tymber-dalton-and.html Thanks! 🙂

BDSM vs. Abuse

Friend and fellow writer Tara Rose has a great blog post today, in the wake of the premier of the trailer for 50 Shades of Grey, that details the differences between healthy, consensual BDSM and abuse. (Complete with nifty graphics for those who are visual learners. 🙂  ) http://www.tararoseromanceauthor.com/2014/07/bdsm-versus-abuse-do-you-understand.html

Lori King’s April Picture Capture

Oh, I also participated this month on Lori King’s Picture Capture post. Please stop by and check it out! 🙂 Fourteen different authors gave a shot at a little flash fiction on the same picture. http://lorikingbooks.wordpress.com/2014/04/30/april-picture-capture/

Guest blog: My crazy brain.

Guest blogging over on Lori King’s blog today! Stop by and check out my crazy brain… http://lorikingbooks.wordpress.com/2014/04/07/inside-tymber-daltons-crazy-brain/

Today’s Holiday Guest: Michelle Graham

Well, obviously the world hasn’t ended. LOL Therefore, today’s holiday guest is fellow Sirenista Michelle Graham, with a touching essay about her sweet furbaby cat, Maggie. Please show her some love, because she has a book coming out soon (more about that at the end). Christmas Without Maggie Christmas is a wonderful time of year, … Read More

Today’s Holiday Guest: Susan Hayes

Today’s holiday guest author is fellow Sirenista, Susan Hayes. Sit back, put down the beverage for the sake of your computer’s health, and prepare to find out that maybe your worst holiday wasn’t quite as bad as you thought. LOL And please show her some love for her book, Whispers in the Dark. * * … Read More

Today’s Holiday Guest: Karen Mercury

Today’s holiday guest is fellow Sirenista, author Karen Mercury. She shares why perhaps a two-fridge household could be a wise idea in some families… * * * Close Encounters of the Fruitcake Kind It’s a tradition in my husband’s Sicilian family to pass this fruitcake along every year from relative…to relative…to relative. I mean, they … Read More

Today’s Holiday Guest: Tianna Xander

Today’s holiday guest authors is fellow Sirenista Tianna Xander, with an amusing twist on the old Christmas classic. (I’ll let you read it for yourself, but fair warning, make sure you put down your drink and swallow what’s in your mouth.) And please check her book out and show her a little love. * * … Read More