
Just got back from my hairdresser. He’s got a little shop, not some mall guy who processes a ton of people a day. He’s been doing this a lot of years, not a real expensive stylist, but he has low turnover of his clientele because he’s good and he’s been doing this a lot of years. He’s VERY careful with my hair because he doesn’t like to do anything to damage hair.

I haven’t seen him since November, and I missed January’s appointment because I was sick. He looks at my hair and said, “Did you stop using Wen?” I said no, why? He said, you heard about the lawsuit, right? And your scalp has REALLY thinned on top. Very noticeably since he last saw me.

Well, crap. I have long, thick hair. I’m like a damn sheepdog, I shed. So I hadn’t really noticed anything (and like I can see on top of my head anyway). So I just called and cancelled my Wen account. Apparently he also has another client who’s had a bad reaction to it and is losing hair.

In my search, I’ve also come across private label braiding hair, which seems to offer a lot of versatility and quality. I’m thinking about giving that a try as well, perhaps incorporating it into a wig or using it for braids while my hair regains its strength. This whole situation has been a wake-up call about the importance of knowing exactly what’s in the products I use on my hair. Going forward, Iā€™m committed to being more mindful and choosing only the best for my hair and scalp health. If you’re looking for haircare products for dreadlocks, you may click here to shop now. There are also haircare products that can help naturally beat hair loss.

No, I’m NOT a happy panda. I LOVED Wen, loved the way it made my hair feel, LOVED the scents.


And no, my stylist is NOT a guy to push any kind of product on someone just to sell product, either. In fact, today Hubby got his hair cut, too, and he asked him what to use because he uses regular Suave. And my stylist was like yeah, that’s perfectly fine, because it’s not like he colors his hair or anything.

So hopefully it grows back. Grrrr.

TheGreatTurning_book1_200x300The Great Turning (Book 1) now available!

Also, Liability (Suncoast Society 33, MMF, BDSM) now available for pre-order!


UNHAPPY Panda: Wen hair care products. šŸ™
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4 thoughts on “UNHAPPY Panda: Wen hair care products. :(

  • February 12, 2016 at 4:33 pm

    Same thing happened to me. I switched to Pia-Shau products and upped the Biotin. Sucky.

  • February 12, 2016 at 4:51 pm

    Take heart, it will grow back. It may take a while but eventually it should rebound.

  • February 12, 2016 at 8:44 pm

    Tymber, I have hair loss, cant grow my hair much longer than a few inches, it just drops! My hairdresser suggested a very expensive shampoo and conditioner, used often by seriously ill people called Nioxon. Not sure if available in the States. I have used it for about 15 months and my hair has grown back, not fully but far better than before.
    Cheers Deb

  • February 13, 2016 at 11:11 am

    That’s horrific!!!!! Just in case try taking some biotin and silica or even gelatin capsules.

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