DommebyDefaultAudiobookOkay, yes, if you haven’t stopped by my website lately, you’ll likely notice some ch-ch-ch-changes.

I go through this about once a year. Not like I’m not already swamped and buried in a morass of WIPs, editing, writing, non-writing human-being type stuff (like my office has been condemned by FEMA as a SuperFund zone, and I personally could REALLY use a shower, just sayin’). But as bestie pointed out to me yesterday, I tackled it immediately upon turning in a massive edit to my publisher, so maybe my brain needed the gear-shift for a few hours.


*cough* Anyhoo.

Okay, so what’s coming up? Triple Trouble 8, Triple Trouble 9, Placida Pod 5, Suncoast Society 34, and Suncoast Society 35. Also, The Great Turning 2 and 3 (edits), and Bleacke Spirit (Bleacke Shifters 4, also in edits). Also, Bleacke Shifters 2 & 3, as well as The Great Turning 1, are in production as audiobooks. (Woot!)

What’s hit the shelves lately? Liability (Suncoast Society 33) is finally coming to third-party sites. Yay! And I just received notice that Domme by Default (Suncoast Society) is now available in audiobook. Also, there’s a 3-book box set of my Macy Largo/Tessa Monroe books available, in case you’re missing any of those. And I have a 3-book box set of the first three books of my Bleacke Shifters series.

Peep Pimpage

I like to pimp my peeps when I can. My Amazon affiliate code is embedded in the links. Doesn’t cost you any extra, and throws a few pennies my way to help keep the lights on and kibble in Gidget’s bowl.


Note: No guarantees to the quality of the freebies. I’m trying to be careful to avoid the KU scammers, but I can’t verify every book. Also, please verify the price before one-clicking. These were free as of the time of posting.

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Updates, #PeepPimpage, #FreebieAlert 4/20/2016
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