Grimmy couldn’t care less about my new “toy.”

My new axe arrived yesterday.

(But…but…TYMBER! You dropped a Buck knife into your–)

Yeah, yeah, I know. I remember. (I can’t forget because everyone’s reminding me. LOL)

Accidentally stab yourself ONE time…

So the short version of this story is, I’m now a shield-maiden in training.

The long version of this is dear friends of mine (shout-out to Max and Michelle!), my D&D friends, became involved in a Viking reenactment group. I should add, this is the kind of stuff I used to do in high school, only back then we didn’t have a name for it other than running around like crazy dressed in costumes and whacking each other with reasonably fake weaponry. LOL This group has better weapons (and costumes) and are participating in BARF (Bay Area Renaissance Festival) this year. Last year they were trying to get me to come out and join them.

This year, I finally did.

Aaaaannnnnd I’m now a shield-maiden in training. LOL Hence the axe.

And a crazy week prepping and sewing so I have an outfit ready for Saturday, which is opening day of BARF.

Note to self: when making a trousers pattern from your PJ bottoms, if said PJ bottoms have an elastic waistband, keep that in mind when making the trousers or you’ll find yourself inserting side gores so you can pull them up over your pear-shaped ass and hips.


Fortunately, extra-wide muslin in various colors (made for backing quilts) is CHEAP. Which is why I started with that, not far more expensive linen. And I had coupons for Joann’s that made it even cheaper.

So…yes, Rusty and Eliza’s extracurricular activities of the non-kinky kind are not that far off from my own life. LOL I have quite a few friends who’ve been involved in BARF for years, and several members of our D&D group are involved in BARF. Now we’re down to just one who isn’t. LOL

Hubby isn’t into this so much, so he’ll probably drop by to visit and say hi, but standing around in the sun all day role-playing a 10th century Viking isn’t his schtick.

Me? I’m loving it.

Yes, my shirt says “Nerd Princess.” LOL

At the practice this past Saturday, I started learning the forms. (God, it’s been years since I’ve held a sword! LOL) Everything’s choreographed for safety and effect. I thought I’d be sore as hell Sunday morning, but the nearly thirty minutes of stretching they had us do before we started really helped. And I wasn’t doing actual sparring combat because I still need to learn the forms. (In the picture to the left, we’re doing slow-motion, non-impact work.) It’s a serious safety issue, because while I’m holding a fake sword in the picture (same weight, no edge to it), the woman I’m sparring with in the picture is holding a REAL sword, and the demos will be done with real weapons. Dulled edges, but still REAL swords. (And shields, usually.)

Actually, I was far more sore Monday after sitting on my kitchen floor for an hour trying to cut out pants. LOL

Eventually I will get a sword, but I want a decent one, so I settled for an axe because it’s much cheaper (under $40).

And they’re a great group of people, they’ve embraced me immediately as one of their own. LOL

We did a takeover of a small local brewing company Friday night (they had mead!). And I finally made the decision to go out Saturday and get started, after my friends had been asking me to come out for months. (Literally, the only prerequisite was to show up. LOL)

Aaaannnd…that’s how I became Áshildr, the shield-maiden in training.

I KNOW, right? ONE MORE NAME to keep track of. LOL

(And for you fellow Whovians, yes, it was a deliberate choice. As soon as I saw it was available I snagged it.)

Only drawback…

I am now temporarily a…


…morning person.

I know, I know, I can’t believe it, either. LOTS of coffee will be consumed.

(PLEASE don’t tell my cardiologist! SHHHHHH!)

How can you tell I REALLY want to do something (or love someone)? I will drag my ass out of bed EARLY to do/meet/whatever it is that is to be done.

So it’ll be a crazy couple of months for me with Ren Fair every weekend.

Yes, it’ll also probably mean even higher levels of pain for a while (#fibrosucks) but I’ve been wanting to do this for a while and life is short. The good thing is we’re coming back into warm weather and it’s more often hotter than not there, so I shouldn’t have to worry about too many cold days.

Still, it’s getting me up and moving and out with my friends, so it’s one of those trade-offs those of us with fibro make so we can actually have a life. I figure I’ll collapse once BARF’s over and sleep for about a week. LOL


I had a new release yesterday! Empty-Handed Heart is now available.

Steady Rain (Suncoast Society 67, MMF, BDSM) is also available for pre-order!

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…and then the Vikings showed up.
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2 thoughts on “…and then the Vikings showed up.

  • February 6, 2018 at 6:06 pm

    Excellent! Youtube including your battle cry? I hope it isn’t “Baaarrrrf!
    Be safe, enjoy and keep rocking the keyboards.

    • February 8, 2018 at 9:24 pm

      LOL Actually, our battle cries seem to be, “Mead is forever!” and, “Trade, not raid!”

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