You know how you’ve been wanting Bob’s story? Poor Bob, from Cardinal’s Rule? The one who’s been showing up more and more lately? There’s a reason for that…

Don’t worry — I didn’t forget about him. His book is Borderline. And there is another book coming up soon featuring this group of characters titled Never Too Late for Love. I get a lot of questions about Bob, and always knew this was the direction they would go in, I just had to wait for them to tell me their story. Specifically, for Bob to work up the courage to tell me his whole backstory.

Because his backstory is who he is and why he is who he is.

I also couldn’t talk too much about Bob before the books were written because, heh, “Spoilers, sweetie.” (Yes, that was a Doctor Who reference.)

You’ll just have to read it to see what I mean. Because I follow what my characters tell me to. I know sometimes readers love/hate (lovate) me for what I write because they wanted a certain situation to go one way or another, but I’m literally following my characters, and when I don’t, BAD things happen. (Like my brain locking up and the characters refusing to give me their stories.)

But now Bob’s story is available for pre-order, and there are even a couple of yummy excerpts to tease you on Siren’s buy page… 🙂

Borderline (Suncoast Society 57, BDSM, MMMF, HEA)


Bob discovered the joys of serving a dominant woman in college. Later, he felt adrift and alone, until he started seeing Mistress Cardinal. For three years, he faithfully followed her rules, secretly in love with her, thinking he’d never be more than her client.

Until the day he realized he was more, and Tilly opened a little of her heart to him. Happiness had literally been within his grasp, until Tilly’s ex, Cris, and his Master, Landry, entered her life and swept her away. Despite the pain, Bob still loved her, and jumped at any chance to play or serve her. Even submitting to Landry, the man who became her husband.

But what happens when a tricky sadist has a sneaky plan of his own? What happens when Bob has a chance to cross that borderline from plaything to pet? Can he accept Landry’s terms, or will he have to walk away from the only woman he’s ever really loved?

Note: This is Bob’s book (originally introduced in Cardinal’s Rule).

Related Books: Cardinal’s Rule, Click, Impact, Happy Valenkink’s Day, Never Too Late for Love (Coming Soon).

Note: It takes 4-6 weeks for books to be released to third-party sites by my publisher after their initial release on the Siren-BookStrand site. I have no control over that. If you have a Kindle, you can order directly from Siren-BookStrand and have the file sent right to your device/app. If you have another kind of device, or read on a tablet, you can buy other format files from Siren-BookStrand and either download them or transfer them to your device. Nook | Kobo | iPad | BookStrand App via iTunes or Google Play for Android (Includes FREE books!)

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Rub Me Raw (Suncoast Society) is now available on third-party sites.

Now Available: Roll With the Punches (Suncoast Society 55)!

Also available for pre-order: See You Sometime (Suncoast Society 56, MF, BDSM, HEA) by Tymber Dalton.

You can find a full series listing HERE on my Suncoast Society series page.

My most recent releases are:

Now Available in Print:

Now in Audiobook:


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Hubby’s Amazon Author Page as Jon Dalton

Hubby’s Amazon Author Page as Haley Jordan

Available for pre-order: Borderline (Suncoast Society)
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