Suncoast Society – 32

[Contemporary BDSM, MMF, why choose, crossed swords, power exchange, angst, surprise baby, HEA]

Tilly, Cris, and Landry assumed the rest of their future together was smooth sailing. Until Cris’ cousin—and her newborn baby—impact their lives forever.

Writing As: Tymber Dalton
Release Date: October 26, 2015

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Tilly, Landry, and Cris thought their lives had settled down and they could relax. Great careers and emotional healing lead Tilly to believe they live a charmed life. In her heart, however, she still mourns that she can never have children. But secure with the love of her men, and knowing they have a peaceful future ahead, helps her heal.

Then Tilly receives a call from Cris’ younger cousin. The desperate new mother needs help escaping a dangerous situation, and Tilly cannot turn her back on Sofia…or her newborn infant.

Unfortunately, the tragic impacts quickly escalate as Sofia’s troubles worsen and Tilly, Landry, and Cris find themselves guardians of a newborn. Can they fight relatives and old demons to regain their peace of mind and preserve their new family, or will Tilly’s heart once again be crushed by forces beyond her control?

Related Books: Tilly, Cris, and Landry appear in several books in the series, but their first and focal book is Cardinal’s Rule, and they also have a vignette in Click. Also, Bob’s story is told in Borderline.

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