There’s still some time to grab my backlist title Fierce Radiance (MMF, sci-fi) from BookStrand from their Time Machine for only .99, but hurry, it expires today:

And yes, I do have plans to write more in that world. 🙂

[Ménage Amour: Erotic Sci-Fi Ménage a Trois Romance, M/M/F, M/M, BDSM, HEA]

Being orphaned twice, tragedy defined starship captain Aine Lorcan’s early life. As a result, she buried herself in her work and earned her “Ice Queen” nickname. When she crash lands after a raider attack, it’s hunky Act’huran Commander Sammuel Jorvis who rescues her.

Sammuel and Ker have searched to find the perfect third to complete their triad. Aine first tries to fight the attraction she feels for Sammuel before giving in to his sinfully hot brand of persuasion. Meeting Ker only cements the love she has for the men and her feeling of belonging.

When duty calls and the Confederation wants her back, she wages a war of conscience. Stay with her men, or fulfill the legacy her two fathers died to help her achieve? Now with one of her men in danger, will Aine’s love burn out, or will she live up to her reputation of Fierce Radiance?

Also, Siren-BookStrand’s 10% coupon is still good until tomorrow:
* Applies only to erotic romance titles published by Siren-BookStrand, Inc. Cannot be used to discount StrandBucks; cannot be combined with any other discount. Discount is case-sensitive: ROMANCE10. Offer expires 2/18/17.

And yes, you can use it on pre-orders! 🙂

Of which, I have a new one…

The next installment in the Suncoast Society series is now available for pre-order: Similar to Rain (Suncoast Society 46, MM, BDSM) by Tymber Dalton.

Note: It takes 4-6 weeks for books to be released to third-party sites. I have no control over that. If you have a Kindle, you can order directly from Siren-BookStrand and have the file sent right to your device/app. If you have another kind of device, or read on a tablet, you can buy other format files from Siren-BookStrand and either download them or transfer them to your device. Nook | Kobo | iPad | BookStrand App via iTunes or Google Play for Android (Includes FREE books!)


First a gruesome, traumatic injury that ends Lee’s NFL kicking career. On the heels of that, his cheating wife files for divorce. He’s officially hit rock-bottom. Stuck in a hotel room and barely able to care for himself, he reconnects on Facebook with his best friend from high school…and the guy he secretly crushed on.

Arlin has been out of the closet for years, but only a few people know about his kinky side. When Lee contacts him, he rushes in to help his old friend. What Arlin thinks he can’t reveal to Lee is that he’s held a torch for him for years.

Getting out of their own way is the first step. Once the men confess their feelings to each other, the best second chance of their lives is now within their grasp. But as Lee’s recovery progresses and a lucrative network TV career presents itself, will their happiness endure, or slip through their fingers like rain?

Facebook Release Event Party:

And if you haven’t pre-ordered it yet, my book Splendid Isolation (Suncoast Society 45, MM, BDSM) can also be pre-ordered, and is releasing this coming Monday, 2/20. 🙂


Following a humiliating breakup with his abusive ex and business partner, Wylie sells his software company and moves to Florida. He’s determined to be self-sufficient and turn his rundown homestead around.

One slight problem—he has absolutely no clue what he’s doing. He’s in way over his head.

Everett’s a skilled artisan metalworker exploring his kinky side. He never went to college, but he’s good at what he does, even if he doesn’t earn much working ren fair circuits. Enter a job offer from Leo, which solves one of his problems.

When the Viking blacksmith and the computer geek meet over a welding job, sparks fly. Literally. Egos clash between the two fish out of water while their intense chemistry draws them together. With love and sex as hot as Everett’s forge, the two men fall hard.

Then Wylie’s ex tries to blackmail him back to California. Is Wylie’s spine tempered steel? Or will Everett lose his first true love?

Facebook Release Party Event:

Also, here are the release dates for my next several Siren books:

Kiwi Update:

She’d just come in from her morning walk with Daddy and LOVED her warm snuggly shirt to keep her WARM! LOL

It’s a week today since our new little one joined us, and she’s settling in nicely. Still working on the periodic cat chasing, but I have every confidence we’ll get that resolved.

I found that snuggly shirt on clearance at PetSmart Wednesday for only $5. SCORE! Wasn’t even sure if it’d fit her or be too big. Good thing I got it, too, because yesterday was COLD by Florida standards, and she needed it. She loves wearing things, just like Gidget did, so that’s good.

And I’d picked up a bunch of toys (saving a lot with my PetPerks card and with clearance sales) including a small Kong. I’ve never had a dog who didn’t enjoy Kongs.

We FINALLY have Kong play! (It’s stuffed with Kibble.)

Not only did I have teach her about the Kong, I’m not real sure she’s ever had toys to play with before. It’s like she didn’t get a lot of socialization before or something.

I’ve never had a dog who didn’t enjoy toys. Ever. So that’s another learning experience for her.

We’ll get there. She’s still learning with the clicker. And no, she still hasn’t mastered “sit” yet.

Again, I’ve never had a dog I couldn’t teach “sit” to in a day or two at the most, even puppies or adult dogs. I think that speaks to her lack of socialization and training before she was turned in to the shelter.

But I’m very patient, and she’ll get there. She’s already like a different dog. Except “sit” is sort of the building block for everything from “wait” to “leave it” to “stay.” So all those are on hold until I can get “sit” to take hold. LOL

Taken 2/16/17, less than 24 hours after planting.

Gardening Update:

Just received 30 more bare-root strawberry plants on Wednesday. Less than 24 hours after planting, they ALL had new growth/leaves coming out. For less than $10, that’s a heckuva deal, and speaks to how good the stock is that the grower is shipping. Of all the seeds I planted, everything’s coming in except the mint (which still has a couple of days on its germination time) and the second round of garden beans, which I just started in a pot yesterday. (For anyone interested, I bought them from this supplier on Amazon: NAYY, just a VERY happy customer.

The ones pictured to the right are just some of them. I had to put them in other pots, too, and added one to the barrel planter with the others. Once they’re all going good, I’ll give a few to my parents and some to my son for their gardens.

And yesterday I finally updated my big calendar with all my planting dates and the estimated harvest dates for each batch, so I can keep an eye on things.

I’m really excited to see how the turnips and rutabagas do. I haven’t decided where to site them yet, but they’ll be direct-sown into the ground. (Remember, here in Florida, frost isn’t a huge concern for us. If anything, I have to worry about planting stuff too late because it doesn’t like heat. LOL)

I’m estimating that between the greens and zucchini for Sheldon, along with everything else I’m planting, I’m saving probably $50 a month right off the bat in Sheldon food. Then there will be the savings on our grocery bill every month once we start harvesting. The strawberries likely won’t produce a good crop this first year, that was warned by both the comments and the grower. It’s recommended to pinch off a majority of the first buds that come out to encourage plant growth instead of fruiting, so I’ll try that. Although some of the commenters did say they had excellent fruiting the first season without doing that. We’ll see.

I love strawberries, and living so close to Plant City, I remember plenty of times as a kid going to the Strawberry Festival as well as going to U-pick fields with my mom and Grandmother and getting BUCKETS of them. Then bringing them home, washing them, and deburring them so we could freeze them. (Fingertips turning dark grey in the process. LOL) And I have a friend with a dehydrator who has offered to let me borrow it, and I can give her herbs and produce in exchange, so some of those strawberries will be sliced and dried and stored that way.

No, I’m not in crazy prepper mode. But in the long run, this will save us a TON of money in food expenses. And since I’m using modified gardening methods that don’t kill me with my fibro, I’m also considering it exercise I need to get me out of my chair every so often.

And I will admit, some of it’s a bit of research. (When you read Wylie in Splendid Isolation, you’ll understand. LOL)

If you’re an author looking for author services, like book trailers, promo graphic, etc, contact my friend Trish over at Sunshine Reads. She does great work for reasonable prices, and she also offers promo space on her blog and Facebook page for free in some cases! She can provide you with references besides me. LOL 🙂


My most recent releases:

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Available for pre-order: Similar to Rain (Suncoast Society), #Kiwi and #Gardening update, and more.
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3 thoughts on “Available for pre-order: Similar to Rain (Suncoast Society), #Kiwi and #Gardening update, and more.

  • February 19, 2017 at 1:09 am

    I treasure your Suncoast Society books but would love to see you return to the SciFi realm. If only for a little while.

    • February 19, 2017 at 2:31 pm

      @Julaine – No worries, I’ll be writing more there soon. The Doms have been pushy in my brain, however. LOL

  • February 19, 2017 at 6:36 pm

    By all means, Listen to the Doms. Failure to do so could have a serious effect on your ability to sit in front of your computer and write more stories for us.

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