I blogged today over on the Write Your Ass Off blog about things I use to help mitigate repetitive-motion injuries/pain. http://writeyourassoff.blogspot.com/2015/10/taking-care-of-yourself-writing-related.html
Write Your Ass Off: #amazonfail Amazon’s love/hate with erotica.
Shocker (not) Amazon’s at it again shuffling titles into adult categories (meaning unsearchable) willy-nilly. http://writeyourassoff.blogspot.com/2015/10/amazons-lovehate-with-erotica.html In case you missed it… Impact (Suncoast Society 32, MMF, BDSM) is now available for pre-order. And it features Tilly, Cris, and Landry. ๐ย
WriteYourAssOff.com – Utilizing Amazon foreign store e-book links.
Over on WriteYourAssOff.com today, I’ve posted a quick tutorial on how to easily add e-book buy links for all the Amazon stores so you don’t miss out on any sales. (Yes, I know, I’m guilty of not having all of
Guest Blog: Writing Tip Wednesday – Advice for new authors.
Stop by and see me on Mellanie Szereto’s blog todayย where I dispense writing advice to new authors. (What’s the magic shortcut? You’ll have to read it to find out…) Writing Tip Wednesday — Writing Advice from Tymber Dalton —
Guest Post: BDSM Authors by Trish
Join me at the Smutketeers today!
Come visit the Smutketeers’ X-Mas party today, where you can learn who I’d like to be snowbound with in a cabin. LOL http://www.smutketeers.com/2014/12/12/twelve-days-of-x-mas-day-four/
Smutketeers: 12 Days of X-mas Celebration!
Make sure to visit the Smutketeers and their 12 Days of Christmas party. (I’ll be one of the featured authors and having a little giveaway… ๐ ) http://www.smutketeers.com/
Under the Bare Light Bulb
I’m facing interrogation being interviewed by Sheri Savill over on her website today in her Under the Bare Light Bulb feature, talking about my book Hope Heals (ninja assassin pet goats, anyone?). Please stop by and witness the steel cage
Interview over at Romancing the Book!
Stop by Romancing the Book today and read the interview I did where I talk BDSM, poly, and a lot more; some reviews of my books, and…contest! ๐ ย http://romancing-the-book.com/2014/08/anniversary-interview-contest-tymber-dalton.html And…less than 24 hours until Grease Monkey (Drunk Monkeys 4) releases!
Read the first chapter of “Monkey Business” (Drunk Monkeys 1)!
You can read the first chapter of my book Monkey Business (Drunk Monkeys 1) over at Sizzling Promo today! They’re kicking off a new feature, Awesome Beginning Chapters (ABC). Please stop by and check it out! ๐ And if you
Guest Post: Mile-High Muses (and a Giveaway)
Please stop by and visit me over at Mile-High Muses today. You can read about the origins of my Drunk Monkeys series, crazy shit Hubby hears me ask, and there’s even a giveaway! http://www.milehighmuses.com/2014/07/giveaway-today-with-tymber-dalton-and.html Thanks! ๐
BDSM vs. Abuse
Friend and fellow writer Tara Rose has a great blog post today, in the wake of the premier of the trailer for 50 Shades of Grey, that details the differences between healthy, consensual BDSM and abuse. (Complete with nifty graphics
Sizzling Promo feature! :)
I’m featured again today on Sizzling Promo’s MM week! Please stop by and take a look at a couple of books from my Placida Pod series. http://sizzlingpromo.blogspot.com/2014/06/summer-sizzling-promo-presents-mm-week_20.html Thanks! ๐
Sizzling Promo!
Don’t forget to drop by and take a peek at what’s going on at Sizzling Promo this week! ๐ http://sizzlingpromo.blogspot.com/p/summer-sizzling-promo-2014.html
Summer Sizzling Promo!
Come join me and a bunch of other great authors over on the Sizzling Promo blog for their Summer Sizzling Promo month! ๐ Click here to visit Sizzling Promo!