Sometimes, our online friends become like extended family to us, in a way. I recently pimped KB Gardener’s book here when it was released. He’s a sweet guy and his wife had been struggling through a string of medical issues.
Blessed Samhain and Happy Howl-oween from Gidget!
Blessed Samhain, peeps, and Happy Howl-oween from Gidget and Crew! Gidget sez: U kan hep keep me and de maow-maows (and Sheldon) in kibbul and kostumz by gettin Mommy’s books! (And Daddy haz 1 too.) Geek Chic (Bleacke Shifters 2)
Did you know… (e-reader edition)
Did you know… …with most e-readers, you can hook them to your computer with the charging cable (take the plug end off) and transfer e-book files to it as if it were another external drive. SOME e-book readers even have
Thank you, readers! <3
As I write this, Flying Monkeys (Drunk Monkeys 6) is currently up to #6 on BookStrand’s menage bestseller list. Thank you, readers!!! <3 Also, thank you to everyone who’s purchased Geek Chic (Bleacke Shifters 2) and Hubby’s book, Dancing on
THIS. #YesAllWomen
Because it’s impossible to tell which ones are and aren’t by looking at them. (This in addition to my earlier post about the video of the woman who was simply walking and got harassed.) #YesAllWomen
The Walking Dead: Who’s in the woods?
If you haven’t watched last Sunday’s episode of The Walking Dead, then don’t click the link to go on to the rest of this post because spoilers. Okay? Okay.
Happy Sunday, peeps! New releases, TV chat.
It’s that final deadline crunch week of the month. Tomorrow is the release day for Flying Monkeys (Drunk Monkeys 6) YAY! Less than twenty-four hours to go. And in case you missed it, YES, I FINALLY got Geek Chic (Bleacke
Hello Halloween
This is one of the countless reasons why Hubby is “The World’s Best Husband(TM).” Because he made me this. Don’t forget that Flying Monkeys (Drunk Monkeys 6, mfm) releases on Monday from Siren-BookStrand, and is available for pre-order now! 🙂
Update on the Ellora’s Cave vs Dear Author lawsuit. #notchilled
Friend Pimpage: KB Gardener’s new release
A Facebook friend of mine, KB Gardener, has a new release today. He and his wife have been through a lot lately, so I wanted to give him a shout-out to signal boost his new release. If you have a
How to make a (hopefully) cat-proof tortoise table top.
I say hopefully because my cats can be creative. And technically it’s not a “table,” it’s a plastic tub, but you get the point. This is Sheldon’s inside home, and hopefully will prevent Grimmy the wonder thief from stealing Sheldon’s
#fangate – Florida Gov. Scott – Meet our idiot in chief.
(Warning, Florida-based political rant ahead to vent my spleen before it explodes.) *muttering* not Florida…not Florida…not Florida…DAMMIT, Florida. Our Gov. in Thief (aka Rick Scott) outdid himself tonight in asshattery at the debate between him and former Gov. Charlie Crist
The Walking Dead Season 5 premiere… YES!!!
OMG, well, I called THAT one right… *The Walking Dead season 5 premiere spoilers ahead, you have been warned* Time to discuss the season premiere!
SQUEEEEEE!!!!! The Walking Dead TONIGHT!
Guess what day it is? Huh? Huh? Guess what day it is!!! 🙂 Didja guess? Didja? DID YOU????? Heeheehee. 🙂 This is like Christmas to those of us who watch the show. It really is. So today I’ll be ticking
Something “squirrelly”…
No matter how many times I see it, this one always cracks me up. Except it’s not “stuck.” Here’s the story behind it.