Unexpected news hit the book world yesterday that long-time e-book vendor All Romance Ebooks is closing their doors on 12/31/16. Worse? The fuckers were soliciting advertising for 2017 nearly a week earlier. I got an email from them because I
#Oops – server burpage.
I updated a plugin and had a database burp that…well, killed my site on the front and backend. So I rolled back to a previous backup, and lost a post and some comments. I was able to re-post the post
Yuri on Ice #newobsession
True story… #humor
Word. LOL 🙂 #FreebieAlert 12/10/2016 | Home at Last now available! | Coming Soon (NSFW) My Tymber Dalton BookStrand Author Page Follow and like my page on Facebook!
#HomeImprovementHell – More joys of old-house plumbing troubles…
#AmericanHorrorStory – Roanoke: The Finale *Sigh*
Friday Funny: Wherez mah ballz? (Grimmy edition)
Grimmy: MOMMY!!! I can’t find my ball! Me: Play with another one. Grimmy: Dats mah FAVORITE!! And otherz GONEZ! Me: *searches and finally finds under microwave stand…* Wait for it… * * * Two Against Nature (Suncoast Society 39, MF,
American Horror Story: Roanoke (aka OMG last night’s episode y’all! 6) SPOILERS #AHSRoanoke
Hurricane #Matthew – Heads up and weather resources.
I wish that image was one of those, “Hurricane forecasters in Florida,” memes…but it’s not. That is a screenshot of the latest Hurricane Matthew models as of 10:30am Thursday, 10/6/2016. Um…yeah. The thing is, this has been trending for DAYS
Think BEFORE you blow up and don’t do THIS…
So I posted a couple of comments on Facebook this morning about that Anonymous Author book that’s “supposedly” a retelling of a story by one author to another about how the other author cheated on her husband and isn’t fond
Friday it is, kitten have you…
Charles Michael Segaloff (aka Michael Makai) sentenced. #BDSM
The court docket summary doesn’t have the actual sentencing paperwork in it yet, but there was a hearing and local media are reporting that Charles Michael Segaloff (aka BDSM author Michael Makai) was sentenced on 8/5/2016 to two years in