Now Available:

Any World That I’m Welcome To (Suncoast Society 53, MMF, BDSM) by Tymber Dalton.

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Neil isn’t just Tamsin’s gay best friend and roommate—he’s her Dom and adopted family. While she jokes she’d love to watch him and Dexter, her fiancé and Dom, together in bed, she knows that’ll never happen.

Dexter isn’t jealous of Neil. As a paramedic, Dexter frequently spends days away from Tamsin. Plus, the older Dom is as much a mentor to Dexter as he is a friend. Neil’s never made a secret about his attraction to Dexter, even though he knows nothing will ever happen since Dexter’s straight.

Then a drunk driver shatters their world, leaving Neil to step in and pick up the pieces for Dexter and Tamsin. They might never get her “back,” but Neil’s sworn to take care of her. Now the men are forced to forge deeper, stronger bonds both to take care of Tamsin…and each other.

As their love grows, one question remains unanswered: What happens to them if or when Tamsin wakes up?

You can check out the full series reading order on my Suncoast Society series page on my website.


Available for pre-order: Heartache Spoken Here (Suncoast Society 54, MMM, BDSM, HEA) by Tymber Dalton:

Note: It takes 4-6 weeks for books to be released to third-party sites. I have no control over that. If you have a Kindle, you can order directly from Siren-BookStrand and have the file sent right to your device/app. If you have another kind of device, or read on a tablet, you can buy other format files from Siren-BookStrand and either download them or transfer them to your device. Nook | Kobo | iPad | BookStrand App via iTunes or Google Play for Android (Includes FREE books!)


Stuart moves to Florida because he knows being out as gay and kinky won’t be possible around his family in Iowa. It’s a new start for him, and he’s already made a kinky friend online. Now all he has to do is find the nerve to get out in real life.

Jeff has had nothing but bad luck in love lately. He’s fluent in heartache and finally listens when friends tell him he needs to do something different.

Brandon faces a delicate balancing act between being the father of a brilliant teenaged daughter and trying to find a subby guy who will accept he’s a package deal. He’s not just alone, but lonely, and wants more than pick-up play at Venture.

When Stuart realizes he’s been catfished, he’s mortified. But is it a blessing in disguise? Can the three men find what they’ve all been looking for in each other, or will heartache continue to be their primary language?

Related Books: Roll With the Punches (Suncoast Society 55) is a direct sequel to this book.

Now Available: Rub Me Raw (Suncoast Society 52, MM, BDSM, HEA) by Tymber Dalton:

Tired of being an object instead of a partner, Simon forces his ex to move out after hitting his emotional limit and realizing the man only wants him for wank fodder. An introduction to Victor by friends helps Simon shut the mental door on his ex for good and long to explore all the delicious Domly things the handsome realtor wants to do to him.

Victor moved to Florida for a fresh start far away from his ex. He’s looking for an open and honest subby guy. His instant, scorching attraction to Simon is only intensified by the fact that he can actually get some decent sleep for the first time in weeks with the man.

But spooky events and shocking revelations force Victor to move from his temporary digs and in with Simon. Now, it’s make or break time. Can Simon handle Victor full-time in full-on Dom mode, or will both men be rubbed emotionally raw yet again?

Also Available:

Walk Between the Raindrops (Suncoast Society 51, MF, BDSM) by Tymber Dalton.

This is June and Scrye’s story.


When June’s twin sister July was murdered at seventeen, only Scrye’s love and strength kept June going, even as her world fell apart around her. That very love means she can never reveal to him the dark secrets she harbors surrounding that stormy night. Or what she did to make things right.

Years before Mark was known as Scrye the rope guy, he’d loved June completely and knew he’d marry her. July’s murder shatters June and her family, leaving Mark, only nineteen, to step forward and take charge. Over twenty years of marriage later, he loves June more than ever and knows he’ll do whatever it takes to keep protecting his wife. Especially from things she can never know about.

When her painful past is dredged from a river, June has to face demons from that horrible night that threaten to take everything from her. Can she hold the lies together without her sweet sadist ever learning the horrific truth?

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Now Available: Any World That I’m Welcome To (Suncoast Society)
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