3 thoughts on “Review for “A Clean Sweep”

  • June 6, 2014 at 8:59 pm

    Hi Tymber, CONGRATULATIONS! I have not got to read it yet but I have it on my ebook to be read file. We are on our last weekend in the USA after four and a half weeks riding around the USA we are at our final stop and fly out mid next week. Maybe I will find short amounts of time between now and then to read it. – hope so. :-0

  • June 8, 2014 at 11:15 am

    It has been awesome!!! besides having a rear tire puncture occur as we rode through a series of “s” curves at Monument Valley and getting caught in a snow storm as we rode from Durango to Ouray through Coal Bank Pass and Red Mountain Pass with thousands of feet drop off to the right side! That was a couple of hours of terror right there! LOL! Yes I know locals live in it every winter – soft Aussies! LOL! You would be impressed I think, that most of the lakes in Yellowstone were still frozen! It was so beautiful! Snow was still on the ground at higher levels and I have some beautiful photos, something we would never see in our part of Australia. Snow on the ground is my favourite place to see it – not being in it as it is falling! WE have been privileged to see so much of a beautiful country and we have met some awesome people all over! We have loved it – so much we are coming back in just overa year to see some more of it!

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