New review for “Triple Cross” (Triple Trouble 7)

Nice thing to wake up to on a Monday, a 4-star review for Triple Cross (Triple Trouble 7)! 🙂 Ms. Dalton doesn’t disappoint in this book. The plot moves forward. Several open threads from previous stories are brought to closure in this one. Both main and secondary characters are continuously developed and woven into a … Read More

Review for “A Clean Sweep”

Awoke to a wonderful review from the Nice Ladies, Naughty Books blog today for A Clean Sweep:   If I could give it 100 stars, it wouldn’t be enough. SO…I’ll stick with five Click here to read the entire review. Click here to buy from Siren-BookStrand:

Fargo Episode 1 – my blant.

*Spoiler Alert* You have been warned thusly, and so begins my blant (blog+rant). It’s taken me a week to process how I feel about episode one of Fargo (on FX, episode two is on tonight). Yes, I realize it’s not supposed to be a reboot of the movie. However.