#childrapeisnotromance – ~0~ without fuckery in Romancelandia. Writing child sexual abuse and labelling it a “romance book” is not a good idea.
GDPR, because being a writer now isn’t hard ENOUGH…
Hello, Karma. (JK Publishing) #WriterBeware
Authors: Stop it with the cliffhanger shite already. Seriously. Just…stop.
Write Your Ass Off: Historically based non-con romance? DO. NOT. WRITE. IT.
Shocker (not) I have another rant today, about writers who try to sexeh up horrific historical events all in the name of “free speech.” (Spoiler Alert: They’re doucheballs.) http://writeyourassoff.blogspot.com/2015/10/historically-based-non-con-romance-do.html
#notchilled Ellora’s Cave vs Dear Author lawsuit update (10/14/2015)
Writer Beware: Ellora’s Cave versus Dear Author lawsuit update 9/16/2015
Copyright Infringement – It’s not just about the text.
Photographer Jon Paul Ferrara posted today on Facebook about finding some of his artwork illegally used as covers on e-books available on Amazon. It has been brought to my attention Amazon is republishing my artwork on e-books being sold throughout
Breaking News: Shocker (not) the Ellora’s Cave site is down.
Since yesterday (6/30/2015) the Ellora’s Cave site as been “under construction.” According to a post on their Facebook page, there’s a new site coming. One has to wonder why they didn’t sandbox the new site and just swap it out
Amazon KU and KOLL payment structure changing.
EDIT: I wrote to Amazon and actually talked to a representative on the phone to get these issues clarified. That blog post is HERE. From the “see, I told you so” files… Amazon has announced that they’re changing the payment
Writer Beware: *sigh* Badly Behaving Authors – WTF edition.
Gather around close, kiddies. It’s time for Auntie Tymber to tell you another scary tale of *DUN DUN DUUUUNNNNNN* Badly Behaving Authors!
Still More Ellora’s Cave vs. Dear Author WTFery.
I should have waited to post my last update. Since then, there was a filing that Courtney Milan (as per usual) did a great job of parsing into plain English. http://www.courtneymilan.com/ramblings/2015/02/24/motion-to-quash-gag-orders-notchilled/ Then, there was this article. http://www.vulture.com/2015/02/amazon-tina-engler-erotica.html Um, whut? I
Why editing and proofreading matters…
*sigh* From the “I just can’t make this shit up” file comes this nugget, on a blurb from a New York TRADITIONAL publisher. http://writeyourassoff.blogspot.com/2014/11/why-proofreading-and-editing-matters.html
Writer Beware: How NOT to behave toward readers and fellow writers.
Asshat author on the internet gets pissed off when readers call her out for agreeing with a commenter who said writers and readers of dark erotica should be “kidnapped and raped.” *dropping here* 3..2..1..Go. http://writeyourassoff.blogspot.com/2014/11/writer-beware-how-not-to-behave-toward.html