#childrapeisnotromance – ~0~ without fuckery in Romancelandia. Writing child sexual abuse and labelling it a “romance book” is not a good idea.
#cockygate – Faleena Hopkins, trademark / patent troll.
#Cockygate – WTF? The summation.
#WritingTip – “Why won’t my book sell?”
Authors: Stop it with the cliffhanger shite already. Seriously. Just…stop.
Writer Beware: *sigh* Badly Behaving Authors – WTF edition.
Gather around close, kiddies. It’s time for Auntie Tymber to tell you another scary tale of *DUN DUN DUUUUNNNNNN* Badly Behaving Authors!
I am the first to admit I’m NOT perfect. When the pre-order for “Monkey’s Uncle” went live yesterday, I was literally just out of the shower and trying to get ready to leave for skeet. So I didn’t even NOTICE
Thou Shalt Nots for Facebook for authors.
Over at WriteYourAssOff.com I posted about the “thou shalt nots” for Facebook specifically for authors. Feel free to stop by, check the lists out, and add your own suggestions if you have some. http://writeyourassoff.blogspot.com/2014/01/thou-shalt-nots-for-facebook.html
WARNING: Authors, blurbs can kill…your sales!
I offer this blog post up as a cautionary tale to authors. Especially to self-published authors who don’t have a publisher to tell them, “Um, NO, this is NOT a good idea.” I had to unfriend a fellow author on