Subscribe to my newsletter and never miss an update! How’s your NaNoWriMo project coming? Are you behind on your word count? Are you panicking already? STOP. BREATHE. Keep something in mind–whether or not you finish your project on time or
#NaNoWriMo – Creating realistic characters.
#WritingTip – Is “smashing” writer’s block the best way?
On owning the “Bitch” label.
#WritingTip – Checklist to help your book sell. (Write Your Ass Off)
#WritingTip – “Why won’t my book sell?”
From Kristen Lamb: Author Despair – What to Do When You Feel Like All is Lost.
Kristen Lamb has a great post on her blog about author despair. I see a lot of writers lately questioning why they’re even trying anymore, and this is such a valid post right now.
Authors: Stop it with the cliffhanger shite already. Seriously. Just…stop.
#NaNoWriMo – How goes it?
If you’re still plugging away at #NaNoWriMo (good for you!) I’m still running my 30 Days of #NaNoWriMo blog posts over at the Write Your Ass Off blog. 🙂
Write Your Ass Off: Effective Facebook promo tips for authors so you stop looking like an annoying idiot.
Are you an author? Are you Facebooking properly? Maybe not. Don’t worry, I have you covered. Effective Facebook promo tips for authors so you stop looking like an annoying idiot. In Case You Missed It… Now available for pre-order:
Putting descriptions on a diet.
Over at the Write Your Ass Off blog, I’ve got a new post about putting your descriptions on a diet. Enjoy! Now Available: Vulnerable (Suncoast Society 30, MM, BDSM) CLICK HERE TO READ THE FIRST CHAPTER. Description Leo
Newbie Author Tip 2
The second installment in my series of tips for newbie authors is up at the Write Your Ass Off blog. *rawr!* And have you checked out Hubby’s book yet? 🙂 (Yes, I’m proud of him. LOL) Dancing on a
Newbie Author Tip 1
I’m starting a new series over on Write Your Ass Off for newbie authors. Tip 1 is posted.
Dear Newbie Writer: You suck…
. ..HOWEVER… Also, I’ve made two additions today to the article about the problems at Ellora’s Cave.
Write Your Ass Off: Self-publishing sh*t volcano.
I’ve got a post up on Write Your Ass Off about the “self-publishing sh*t volcano,” as Chuck Wendig calls it.