Over at WriteYourAssOff.com I posted about the “thou shalt nots” for Facebook specifically for authors. Feel free to stop by, check the lists out, and add your own suggestions if you have some. http://writeyourassoff.blogspot.com/2014/01/thou-shalt-nots-for-facebook.html
Can I use song lyrics in a book?
I thought I’d blogged about this before, but apparently I had not. Rectified. LOL http://writeyourassoff.blogspot.com/2014/01/can-i-use-song-lyrics-in-book.html
Pop Quiz: Contracts
Pop Quiz: Which of these are HUGE red flags in a publishing contract? a) Charging for editing. b) “Life of copyright” contract length terms. c) Asking for rights other than ebook and print formats. d) “Net” not clearly specified. e)
WARNING: Authors, blurbs can kill…your sales!
I offer this blog post up as a cautionary tale to authors. Especially to self-published authors who don’t have a publisher to tell them, “Um, NO, this is NOT a good idea.” I had to unfriend a fellow author on
Write Your Ass Off: Don’t turn your Alphas into A$$holes.
The post where I rant about “Alpha” heroes who are really assholes, and how to avoid that pitfall in your writing: http://writeyourassoff.blogspot.com/2013/09/dont-turn-your-alphas-into-aholes.html
WriteYourAssOff.com: Contract Red Flags
I’ve got another post up at the WriteYourAssOff.com blog about contract red flags. Enjoy! Publishing Contracts: Red Flags and Warnings
Write Your Ass Off: Tuesday Topics
New post up at Write Your Ass Off, a list of various writing topics from amping up suspense to handling criticism, to dealing with backstory issues: http://writeyourassoff.blogspot.com/2013/06/tuesday-topics.html
Scrivener: Labels.
I love Scrivener. Love love luuuurrrvve. Want to have its babies kind of love. When I first had to give up SuperNotecard and move to Scrivener, mid-manuscript, no less, I was dubious. I shouldn’t have worried. Scrivener has quickly won
Writing Tip: Editors – They’re not your maid, or your mommy.
The one where I rant blog about an editor’s role: Write Your Ass Off – Editors: They’re not your maid, or your mommy.
Trainwreck in the making — an author arguing with reviewers.
What NOT to do as a writer… http://writeyourassoff.blogspot.com/2013/06/one-more-timedo-not-argue-with-reviewers.html Seriously, do NOT argue with reviewers. I learned this hard lesson early in my career. Believe me, it NEVER ends well, and the author in this case is not only arguing with
Writing How-To: The dreaded blurb.
I’ve got a post about writing loglines and blurbs for writers over on the Write Your Ass Off blog. http://writeyourassoff.blogspot.com/2013/05/the-dreaded-blurb.html
Writing How-To: What NOT to do for promotions.
Today’s post is prompted by the fact that on one of the email loops I’m on, a writer has apparently gone on vacation to the South Pacific with her handsome hubby to do book research. How do I know this?
Writing How-To: Using trademarked brands in fiction.
Quick writing primer today on trademarks in fiction. While using song lyrics in your fiction without first obtaining written permission is verbotten, trademarks frequently confuse writers. What do I mean? For example, when you refer to the drink, it’s Coke,
Funny: Grammar Help
Here’s a fun one for my fellow writers. I got it off Facebook. Enjoy! 🙂