On owning the “Bitch” label.

On owning the “Bitch” label.

Happy New Year! Four days in and I’m already playing Whack-a-Troll on a friend’s behalf. Fun times, yes. Long story short (tl;dr): A real-life friend of mine who is also a KICK-ASS editor of well-known repute among romance authors, and who edits bestselling books for bestselling authors, got attacked on her Facebook page by a … Read More

#WritingTip – Checklist to help your book sell. (Write Your Ass Off)

#WritingTip – Checklist to help your book sell. (Write Your Ass Off)

  I blogged over on my WriteYourAssOff.com blog a follow-up post to my one the other day about why won’t your book sell. I’ll be putting together a series of posts detailing the various points blow-by-blow over the next few weeks. http://writeyourassoff.blogspot.com/2016/07/writingtip-checklist-to-help-your-book.html Other recent releases you might have missed… Rhymes With Orange (Suncoast Society 35, MMMF, … Read More

#NaNoWriMo – How goes it?

If you’re still plugging away at #NaNoWriMo (good for you!) I’m still running my 30 Days of #NaNoWriMo blog posts over at the Write Your Ass Off blog. 🙂 http://writeyourassoff.blogspot.com/search/label/%23nanowrimo

Putting descriptions on a diet.

Over at the Write Your Ass Off blog, I’ve got a new post about putting your descriptions on a diet. http://writeyourassoff.blogspot.com/2015/09/putting-descriptions-on-diet.html Enjoy!   Now Available: Vulnerable (Suncoast Society 30, MM, BDSM) CLICK HERE TO READ THE FIRST CHAPTER. Description Leo didn’t want a divorce, yet he can no longer ignore the fact that he’s gay—and … Read More

Newbie Author Tip 2

The second installment in my series of tips for newbie authors is up at the Write Your Ass Off blog. *rawr!* http://writeyourassoff.blogspot.com/2014/09/newbie-author-tip-2-develop-gator-hide.html And have you checked out Hubby’s book yet? 🙂 (Yes, I’m proud of him. LOL) Dancing on a Tightrope. Also, I’ve added some new info at the bottom of the Ellora’s Cave troubles … Read More

Newbie Author Tip 1

I’m starting a new series over on Write Your Ass Off for newbie authors. Tip 1 is posted. http://writeyourassoff.blogspot.com/2014/09/newbie-author-tip-1-devour-information.html