(Text message exchange that just happened between me and Sir…) Sir: I’m up at Porter paint picking up a gallon for the workout room. me: have fun me: i just killed off a family in a bloody ritualistic murder Sir:
New Post: Write Your Ass Off – Lie versus Lay
Have a new post up at the WriteYourAssOff.com site, on how to tell lie from lay. http://writeyourassoff.blogspot.com/
Writing How-To Series: The editing process.
I’ve got a new post up at the WriteYourAssOff.com site about how a writer (especially a newbie one) should approach the editing process. Enjoy!
Go fly your own damn kite.
I know that not everything I write is…mainstream. *cough* It’s not everyone’s cuppa. That’s fine, I get that. What I don’t get is when someone slams something I write not based on the writing or story or, say, something logical
How NOT to use Facebook if you’re a writer.
Lately, there’s been a pretty aggravating trend of writers not using Facebook the way it was intended (as a pretty good social networking site) but as…well… A $2 whore. This trend seems to be predominant amongst newbie and self-published writers,
Busy busy busy.
What a crazy, mixed-up year last year was. Everything that happened (good and bad), new releases, and trying to survive life in general. I think with the fibromyalgia and hubby retiring this year (he’s 21 years older than me) I’m
Happy freaking holidays (or how to torture your dog).
Well, there’s one good thing about having fibromyalgia I suppose–it forces you to learn patience and hone your sense of humor. It also forces you to celebrate your accomplishments instead of focusing on what you didn’t do. Like today, go
Writing How-To: Beware the alien space bats!
Short one for you today. I’ve been sick, but didn’t want you to think I died. Sometimes writers use plot devices without realizing they’re using them. This can produce results good and bad. Most writers are aware of the Deus
Publishing, Pirate Prattle, and Pay
There is this myth going around the pirate sites that they think published writers are rich, so if they steal files from them, it’s not hurting them, it’s only hurting “fat cat publishers.” Well, here’s another myth about to go
A little insurance.
I’m an obsessive backer-upper when it comes to my files. Not every day, which is bad on my part, but redundantly. Two external drives for large quantities of data, plus two thumb drives specifically for works in progress, which fit
This is how I feel right now for the next couple of minutes. I just turned in a manuscript to one of my publishers that I’ve been fighting to get done for a couple of weeks, and now, it’s done.
Writing How-To: Avoiding Head Hopping POVs
Writing How-To: (Bad Pun Alert) Easy Writer.
I want to let you in on a little secret about writing. (It’s not a secret for my fellow pubbed authors, because they already know this, so quit that snickering there in the peanut gallery.) Writing is the EASY part
Call off the search dogs, I’m back.
Sorry for the delay, I’m stuck in home improvement hell. *LOL* First of all, the winner of my contest was lisaguertin, so please drop me an email with your email and I’ll…um…email you your copy of Cross Country Chaos. *LOL*
Writing How-To: English is hard!
First of all, I didn’t write this, I got it through the Writing email list on the Internet Writing Workshop. I don’t know who originally wrote it, but kudos to you, sir or madame. I’m classifying it as a “writing