Happy(?) Monday. I’ve got two blog posts today to pimp out.

The first is over at the “When One is Not Enough” menage blog and gives you a glimpse inside my…colorful brain. Yeah, colorful. That’s the word I’ll go with!

Hearing in Technicolor

The second blog post is over at the BDSM Authors’ Playroom, where I’ve started a series of topics on commonly used/misused BDSM tropes, to examine the fact versus the fallacy.

BDSM Facts & Fallacies: Free-ranging subbies.

Also, I still haven’t picked a winner on my last contest, but will sometime today. So make sure if you haven’t commented yet, get your patookie over there and do so, please?

Another random contest: Oddest holiday dinner?

And “Out of Bight, Out of Mind” has reached (as of this morning) #5 on Siren’s menage bestseller list! Woot, and thank you!! 🙂

“Out of Bight, Out of Mind”

Two blogs today.
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2 thoughts on “Two blogs today.

  • December 10, 2012 at 6:21 pm

    I bought this book the first day it was out. I was very glad when you went back to this series. I loved the characters. This series is what led nds to you as an author. I now have almost all your books. Please keep the great books coming.

  • December 11, 2012 at 3:34 pm

    @Weaseldancr – Thank you! 🙂 I will be doing more in the DSMC world. The next couple of stories will focus more on the crews of the other two ships, though, before I get back to focusing on Emi and her guys.

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