Pick a color, any color…

Writers should never be allowed to run unsupervised through an office supply store. Um, well, this writer should never be allowed to run unsupervised through an office supply store. (Or a home improvement store, but that’s another blog post.) Hubby and I went out to brunch this morning before going on some errands. Had to … Read More

Happy Tuesday From Gidget.

I hijacked Mommy’s blog again. You didn’t weally wanna see nuttin but me, wight? U alweady look at tu manee pikchurs of maow-maows. – Luv, Gidget.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day, y’all. 🙂 Whether you have a partner(s) or are single, I hope you have a great day today. Here is a various selection of items stolen pulled from my Facebook feed for your enjoyment. Have a great one!

Two blogs today.

Happy(?) Monday. I’ve got two blog posts today to pimp out. The first is over at the “When One is Not Enough” menage blog and gives you a glimpse inside my…colorful brain. Yeah, colorful. That’s the word I’ll go with! Hearing in Technicolor The second blog post is over at the BDSM Authors’ Playroom, where … Read More

"Love Slave for Two: Reunions (Bk 3)" Available for Pre-Order!

Guess what’s available for pre-order? “Love Slave for Two: Reunions (Bk 3)” is now up on the Siren-BookStrand website: http://www.bookstrand.com/love-slave-for-two-reunions Description [Siren Ménage Everlasting: Erotic Ménage a Trois Romance, M/M/F, HEA] Nevvie and Thomas think Tyler is nuts for coming home with an RV and an even crazier plan to travel from Florida to Seattle. … Read More

A different breed…

This is soooo the truth. We are, by the very nature of what we do, just a wee bit “tetched” in the head, so to speak. Also true. We never get a “day off” either. A writer friend of mine asked me, “Is that why I couldn’t relax and turn my brain off during my … Read More


Hubby and I were talking the other night. He asked me if I wanted to stay here in this house (the house I inherited from my grandparents) permanently. After thinking about it, I had to say yes, I did. Don’t get me wrong, I love our house. I love where it is. I live in … Read More

Shoot. Me. Now. Please.

Well, I got the bright idea that we should try to waterproof the shower here. You know, to, oh, say, make it actually easy to bathe. (Keep in mind this is a sixty year-old house I inherited from my grandparents.) All my life I’ve taken sit-down showers or tub baths in this bathroom, ever since … Read More

Yes, soup for you…

I’ve been in a soupy mood. It’s been chilly (now COLD) and with my current fibro flare, cooking is down at the bottom of my priority list. Late last week I threw together a “Thanksgiving Use Up the Leftovers” soup in my slow cooker, with lentils, turkey, and sweet potatoes and served it over leftover … Read More