For all of you in the Tampa Bay area, don’t forget my second writing class is this Sunday at 2pm at the Tampa Bay Phoenix Club! (The classes are stand-alone, so even if you missed the first, you can still come to this one.)

And they’re FREE!

“Controlled Chaos”: Brainstorming, mind mapping, plotting and pants-ing, and corralling those pesky characters who seem bound and determined to take your book in a different direction than you’d intended. Ah, but there’s more to all of that than just writing down plot points. Learn how to apply conflict and tension and archetypes to your story, how to use them to reverse-engineer your way through writer’s block, and more.

It’s being held from 2-4pm at the Tampa Bay Phoenix Club:

FetLife event link:
Facebook event link:

Writing Class #2: Sunday, 4/29, 2pm
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