Appointment with my GP yesterday. Last week, appointment with the cardiologist. The cardiologist upped the meds to twice a day instead of once a day since they seem to be helping the symptoms I was having.

Symptoms they cannot tell me WHY I’m having, because all my tests come back “normal.” I’m the healthiest unhealthy patient not one, but TWO doctors have. I’m not dying, but beyond that, they don’t know.

Yay, fibromyalgia. (Can you see the sarcasm? Go on, look a little harder.)

Fuck. Fibro. (Click on the pic because apparently the animation isn’t working right.)

My pharmacist warned me that a side effect of the meds is to make me…oh…tired…


Greeeeeat, you mean like my fibro and CFS already do? Wonderful. (See above .gif for emotions.)

Supplements are helping my energy not totally tank worse than it normally would. (I’m in a flare due to the fluctuating weather. People say oh, Florida, don’t bitch. But when you literally have 30+ degree temperature swings in twenty-four hours, SEVERAL times a week, it’s hell on a body that  doesn’t handle that well. At all. I can deal with the pain and I’ve flat-out put my foot down to my GP about not putting me on something other than naproxin (which is basically Aleve) for the pain.

I know my body, and I know the way I go through stuff. If I start on heavier meds now, what happens in ten or twenty years from now when I need the REALLY heavy-duty stuff. Plus I need my brain to function for my JOB. I’m a writer. The combo of Xanax and Flexeril right now is helping keep it manageable and allowing me to sleep, so I’ll stick with that. Plus I’m using a lot of homeopathic supplements, like curcumin, to help mitigate as much as possible.

I’m also back into the Young Living Oils again (YLO). I’ve used essential oils for years (peppermint is AMAZEBALLS to help with headaches) and used to use the YLO brand when a woman I worked with sold it. A friend of mine got into it, and I signed up at the distributor level to get the better pricing. (I’m not into the MLM aspect of it, just using it.) And go a diffuser as part of my starter kit (YAY!). Also had a gift card to Bed, Bath, and Beyond My Budget from Christmas, and a coupon, so got another diffuser from there. THEN found one on Amazon that I ordered. So I’ll have one in the living room, one in our bedroom, and one in my office. Aromatherapy works really well for me to help keep my stress levels down, which helps me manage my fibro.

I also use the oils topically (PanAway, anyone?) for a variety of reasons (Thieves to help keep my immune system going). And YLO now has a few other products I use, like their cleaning supplies, a drink supplement for energy, etc. None of these are “magic bullets.” But together, they help manage my symptoms so I can at least function.

I’ll take the win, no matter how small.

And an update on the Wen situation, already in just the past week since not using it anymore and since taking a supplement that’s got biotin in it and is specifically for hair, nails, and skin, I’ve noticed a dramatic decrease in how much hair is in my brush (or going down the drain). Wow.

TheGreatTurning_book1_200x300In other news… (And yes, some of the links I post have my Amazon associate ID embedded in them.)

The Great Turning is still doing pretty good for a self-pubbed non-smutty book by my lesser-known (ironically my real) pen name. I’m working on edits on books 2 and 3 and will get them out as soon as I can. Juggling them between my Siren books. No, I’m NOT going to stop writing as Tymber. But sometimes my brain needs to write non-Tymber books. And with my health as dicey as it is lately, I have to listen to my brain and body and strike a balance that keeps me going.

FINALLY got Hubby’s book Can’t Dance Forever (Wolf Mallory Mystery 2) formatted for print and it’s now available: Since this is a two-person operation around here (yeah, no “staff” for us, sorry, not in the budget) sometimes it takes me a while to get stuff done. Prioritizing around my health has no longer become optional. I hate that I can’t go-go-go like I used to be able to do. (Sorry for the whine.)

I also formatted Hubby’s book writing as Haley Jordan, Candy Cane Kisses, for print. (Yes, he writes sweet romance, I write the smexy stuff. LOL)

On Monday, 2/22/16, Liability (Suncoast Society 33, MMF, BDSM) releases from Siren-BookStrand. 🙂 And you can pre-order it now! 🙂

Note: It takes 4-6 weeks for books to be released to third-party sites. I have no control over that. If you have a Kindle, you can order directly from Siren-BookStrand and have the file sent right to your device/app. If you have another kind of device, or read on a tablet, you can buy other format files from Siren-BookStrand and either download them or transfer them to your device. Nook | Kobo | iPad | BookStrand App via iTunes or Google Play for Android (Includes FREE books!)

ss-td-bs-tonyscollection3And Tony’s Collection (Suncoast Society collection) is making its way to third-party sites now. This box set contains Domme by Default, The Reluctant Dom and The Denim Dom. No new material, just a great bargain if you don’t have any of those books yet.


Kindle (US) | Kindle (UK) | Kindle (CA) | Kindle (AU)
Kindle (JP) | Kindle (IT) | Kindle (DE) | Kindle (MX)
Kindle (BR) | Kindle (IN) | Kindle (NL) | Kindle (ES) | Kindle (FR)

Nook | Kobo | iTunes | Google


What am I reading? Going to mix in some peep pimpage as well. 🙂

And now…


Remember to check the price of them before you one-click. They were free as of the time of posting, and I make no guarantees about the quality of the books. LOL

Have a great weekend, peeps! 🙂

Yay, it’s Fibromyalgia Friday, #FreebieAlert and other randomness.
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4 thoughts on “Yay, it’s Fibromyalgia Friday, #FreebieAlert and other randomness.

  • February 21, 2016 at 5:26 am

    Hi Tymber, I accidentally came upon your blog post via Goodreads – and saw you mentioning fibromyalgia. For what it’s worth, I swear by Sue Hitzmann’s MELT method which helps tremendously with myofascial (and other) problems. Good luck!!!!

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