I think I forgot to announce these! Pet (Governor Trilogy 5) and Saudade (Maxim Colonies 3) are both available in audiobooks exclusively on Scribd! Pet: https://www.scribd.com/audiobook/598945084/Pet Saudade: https://www.scribd.com/audiobook/605136859/Saudade If you don’t have a Scribd subscription, hit this link for your
Going… going… ? (Twitter, I mean)
Chief is available in audiobook!
Entire Love Slave for Two series BACK IN PRINT!
Latest Print Releases: Our Gravity, Pinch Me, Broken Toy, and more.
New in print! DSMC, Domme by Default, & more!
Latest Print Additions: Triple Trouble series
BACK in print! The Reluctant Dom and others!
Cradle to grave.
Blessings beyond measure.
I left Florida around 3pm Friday afternoon and rolled (literally) into Iowa around 1:30pm the next day. Last night was Russ’ niece’s graduation. Today, I went with his siblings and other family to visit their parents’ graves. Then they drove
7 months.
Mostly packed for my trip to Iowa. I’ll finish the rest in the morning. Then I pick up the rental car and I’ll be on my way by early afternoon. This is going to be… Lots of tears, I’m sure.