I mean, I know I shouldn’t tempt Fate by whining, but damn I’m tired of this year. Soooo tired. FEMA came through for us with enough for me to replace the water softener. Of which half arrived today. Box 2
Not dead yet… Ugh. You can’t reason with hurricane season.
Empty e-reader? I gotcha!! Let’s fill it!
It’s that time again, and it’s ONE DAY ONLY! (9/5/2024) Clicky-clicky! https://www.romancebookworms.com/
Summer’s end — back in ebook, new in print, and more news.
Firstly — I have a Bleacke Shifters short in the Smut Lovers: The Conference charity anthology! Clicky-clicky! https://amzn.to/3Z8JtyW I know I’ve been quiet lately, but you know that means I’m up to my eyeballs in work. Not only on the
Quick Note – Cover Changes
Good-bye, April!
Ugh, February. Leap on out of here.
January Update (Root canals SUCK.)
Spouse health update.
Another budget hit. (And puppeh tax.)
6/30/2023 – Other News & Updates
Are things a little noisy?
This is a little aside, but back in 2021 I saw people talking about the Loop Quiet ear plugs. Now, I have shooting muffs, and generic squishy ear plugs, and custom-molded shooting ear plugs. But ever since my ADHD and
New Audiobooks! Pet and Saudade
I think I forgot to announce these! Pet (Governor Trilogy 5) and Saudade (Maxim Colonies 3) are both available in audiobooks exclusively on Scribd! Pet: https://www.scribd.com/audiobook/598945084/Pet Saudade: https://www.scribd.com/audiobook/605136859/Saudade If you don’t have a Scribd subscription, hit this link for your