…no, not THOSE balls, you dirty pervs. I have a T-shirt from ThinkGeek.com that says “The Babe With the Power” on it. Which prompted a long-overdue Labyrinth rewatch. (Well, a first-time watch for Hubby, who didn’t get the reference on
RIP Porchdick (LOL) – The Walking Dead’s Corey Brill
Poor Corey Brill. He’s the actor who played Pete on The Walking Dead. Oh, you don’t remember him? How about if I call him Porchdick? Did the lightbulb go off? LOL (Well, if you don’t watch The Talking Dead immediately
Sunday Snicker: Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson
You have NOT lived until you’ve watched Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson get venom sucked out of his ass…and elsewhere. And THIS is a movie I would pay to see. Somebody MAKE IT!! LATEST RELEASES: Coming Soon | Audiobooks | Latest
Friday Funny: Hicky the Hillbilly Vampire
BOOM! *drops right here* Yer welcome! http://www.horrorsociety.com/2015/03/27/hicky-the-hillbilly-vampire-web-series/ https://youtu.be/Qqo8FKGZKvc LATEST RELEASES: Coming Soon | Audiobooks | Latest Posts
TGIF and recap.
It’s Friday, I’m scrambling on deadline, and… *sigh* Here’s a recap of recent posts. ((HUGS)) and have a happy and safe Friday, peeps. Clean Reader app update What. The. Actual. Fark. (re: Clean Reader app) Now for something a little
Grr. Ready the pitchforks…
(Note: This post is NOT directed at the majority of my readers. This post is directed at the ones who STEALÂ my work and deprive me of income I desperately need right now.) Part of my control panel for my website
Welcome to spring…not.
Oh, the first day of spring! Joy!… NOT. Remember how I was bitching how cold I was a few weeks back? Guess what DIED this morning. (That’ll teach me to not be more grateful when the weather warmed up.) The
I Am Woman.
This is from Facebook, so if you can’t see it, you might have to log in. (I tried to find the video on YouTube to post that but couldn’t.) This is a great rendition of “I Am Woman.” It always
Great article on polyamory.
Being poly, it’s difficult to explain the situation sometimes. (In our case, Sir and I don’t live together, though, and we’re an N-quad.) But people who are poly are, frankly, commonly just as boring as monogamous couples. It’s about what’s
A little positivity, please?
I’m desperately trying not to turn Grumpy Cat into my spirit animal. I really am. Tropical cyclones in the Pacific. Another brouhaha on social media pitting an A-list author against a smaller author who had a good point but then
Happy Pi Day! And Happy, er, um…
Happy Pi Day, peeps! It’s also Steak and a Blowjob Day! LOL MMM, steak, a blowjob, AND pi???? NOM! *giggle* LATEST RELEASES: Coming Soon | Audiobooks | Latest Posts
Something weird in the air?
A quick informal poll of my Facebook peeps has them agreeing that it’s not just me. There’s just a weird energy today I can’t put my finger on. Not bad, just…weird. I’m hoping my latest flare (which has been torturing
Dear The Big Bang Theory Writers: You Suck.
Dear The Big Bang Theory Writers: You suck. It’s called a “character bible,” assholes. Writing 101. Yes, I realize the fact that I’m venting about a TV show makes me more than a little Sheldonesque, but, LIKE SHELDON, I am
Still More Ellora’s Cave vs. Dear Author WTFery.
I should have waited to post my last update. Since then, there was a filing that Courtney Milan (as per usual) did a great job of parsing into plain English. http://www.courtneymilan.com/ramblings/2015/02/24/motion-to-quash-gag-orders-notchilled/ Then, there was this article. http://www.vulture.com/2015/02/amazon-tina-engler-erotica.html Um, whut? I
Michigan says, “Go home, Florida–you’re drunk!”
I’ve been griping all day why I couldn’t get warm despite being bundled up and having a space heater in my office, and the thermostat on the furnace reading 73. (This is an old house. And remember, I’m in FLORIDA.)