Yeah, yeah, I know. If you don’t have an iPhone, feel free to ignore this. I, however, LOVE my iPhone, after switching from a Droid X2 (and having had the Droid X before that). I’ll freely admit I’m a full-on
#justsayin #safetystartswithyou #themoreyouknow
I am the first to admit I’m NOT perfect. When the pre-order for “Monkey’s Uncle” went live yesterday, I was literally just out of the shower and trying to get ready to leave for skeet. So I didn’t even NOTICE
Wx Alert: Heads up!
Hurricane Arthur is spinning off the eastern coast of the US. Anyone in that region needs to pay attention to this storm. Here are a couple of links for you to stay up to date: National Hurricane Center – This
And another laugh…
Things that superheroes do that would be creepy if you did them…
On a lighter note… Things Cats Do
Here’s a smile for your day. Things cats do that would be creepy if you did them. LOL
Coming Soon, Writers Lab, and brain explosions…
Whew. What a week last week. Thank you for all the condolences, they are truly appreciated. Our friend’s wife (which sounds weird, because she’s our dear friend, too) is trying to get through this and hanging in there. It’s a
Author cr*p.
With the events of the past few days, a looming deadline, and a writers’ event to attend this weekend, the last thing I feel like doing is pimping my crap. (I feel like crawling into a cave in a Xanax-induced
F*ck cancer.
*sigh* I’m sick of cancer taking the people I love. We lost a good friend yesterday, a few months sooner than we all thought. He’d stopped treatments, but his heart stopped suddenly yesterday, his body weakened by chemo and treatments.
Blessed Solstice!
It’s the first day of summer! 🙂 Blessed Solstice and Merry Litha, peeps! 🙂
Fargo, thank god it’s over.
Because I’m on deadline, I’ll sum up my expression after suffering through the final episode of Fargo in a spoiler-free series of memes quickly copied from the Interwebz by Google-Fu-ing the fark out of the word “seriously.”