Still recovering from Shameless Book Con 2019!
AHS: 1984 Episodes 3 & 4 thoughts. (SPOILER ALERT)
Library e-book availability.
Looking for some spooky reads this month?
Pssst…it’s October…
Sunday Funny: Fractious Cat Handling (work-safe)
AHS: 1984, Episode 2 thoughts (SPOILER WARNING)
#TimeMachineSpecial – A Roll of the Dice for only .99
This commercial…
Pluto TV – My new addiction.
Updates and sundry (including a “see I told you so” wife moment).
#BDSM – “Michael Makai” / Charles Michael Segaloff sex offender update: He’s got a new alias, and he’s on Twitter.
Convicted registered sex offender Charles Michael Segaloff / Michael Makai is back with a new pseudonym.
#Pride – It’s Pride Month, and yes, it’s ALL political.

Y’all know I don’t usually “get political” on my blog (I usually save those rants for Facebook and Twitter) but I’m going to today. Yesterday was the start of Pride month. I’m sure there are some readers who might say, “Oh, don’t get political!” But the very nature of what I mostly write IS political.