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I’m still recovering from last weekend, Shameless Book Con 2019, in Orlando. Had SUCH a great weekend! It was so good getting to see some of you again, and meeting new peeps! I was in a lot of pain but managed to (sort of) people. LOL I really loved being able to interact one-on-one with readers and fellow authors, and it was so humbling, too. I always have it in my mind that no one will want to talk to me, and yet I had a line at my table. *blushing* Thank you, thank you, thank you. And, yes, I’m confirmed for next year, too! All sorts of fun was had, and I can’t wait for next year!

Shameless 2019 gala costume. “Hello Evil”

Saturday night, the gala was amazing! The theme was Forbidden. I went as “Hello Evil” (I was wearing a Hello Kitty corset). There were performers who stunned the audience with an amazing bullwhip performance, among other entertainment.

I even dragged my exhausted ass out of bed early Sunday morning to participate on the panel for the author talk about BDSM with Master Cecil and others from The Woodshed Orlando. And if you missed out on the road-trip to the Woodshed? Well, you missed out. LOL

This was my second year as a signing author at Shameless, and my fourth or fifth year attending. Every year, the organizers make it even more spectacular. This year it was at a different hotel, right across the street from Disney Springs. Next year, the hotel will be right across the street from that one. So make it a family vacation! LOL


In other news…

Amazon FINALLY got on the ball and extended how far in advance you can set up Kindle pre-orders for everyone. (YAY!)

I should have a Kindle pre-order link posted for The Great Turning: Future Ages (Book 3) in the next couple of weeks, so stay tuned. With the release being so close, after my fuck-up with the Farborn file, I don’t want to post it until I have the final file ready to post. (Yes, I know, I’m sorry, but it’s almost heeeeere!!)

(My Pre-Orders Page…)

Also, keep an eye out for Kindle pre-order links for Indiscretion, Innocent, and Incisive, the Inequitable Trilogy (set in the world of the Governor Trilogy). You can already pre-order them through everywhere else if you don’t buy through Amazon. Ditto the Deviant Trilogy. Those three books are available for pre-order everywhere else.

However… you CAN pre-order the Devout Trilogy (Sacred, Profane, Penance) on Kindle and elsewhere, because it’s not releasing until May 2020. You can also pre-order Saudade (Maxim Colonies 3) on Kindle and elsewhere.

The trilogies set in the world of the Governor Trilogy are all standalones, but for those who want the best reading order, here it is:

You can go directly to my Amazon Author Pages as both Lesli Richardson and Tymber Dalton. (Just click on the links.)

And after a Twitter convo this past week, I also decided to go forward with a project I’ve sort of pecked away at for a while, but never did much with it because I wasn’t sure it’d even have a market. It won’t come out until October 2020, so I put it up on Kindle for pre-order as well. Where are my low-angst, fluffy, sweet small-town romance lovers? LOL This will be the first book in a new series, called Maudlin Falls, and it’s a MM book entitled How Many Times Do I Have to Say I’m Sorry? There will be several books set in this world, and they’ll all be “fluffy,” low-stakes feel-good books, with a variety of pairings, including MM, MF, and more. Yes, I’m self-pubbing these as Lesli, because “sweet, fluffy, low-stakes” isn’t exactly Tymber’s brand… LOL


Welcome to Maudlin Falls, where the people are nice, the drama is plenty, and you have to fight to keep the cat out of the peanut butter…

Let me tell you a story.

Boy meets boy.

Boy falls. Hard.

Then boy screws up. Majorly. And has to win the other boy back.

How does it end?

I’ll let you know. It’s still a work in progress.

One thing’s for certain—I never make the same mistake twice.

Sometimes, I make it three or four times.

(Warning: Features an adorable doofus with really bad luck, a snarky introvert with the world’s most badly behaved cat, annoyingly loving and pushy friends, and cringingly bad karaoke. Oh, and an HEA, if they can all get their acts together.)

Pre-Order Links:

Kindle (US) | Kindle (UK)
Kindle (CA) | Kindle (AU)
Kindle (JP) | Kindle (IT)
Kindle (DE) | Kindle (MX)
Kindle (BR) | Kindle (IN)
Kindle (NL) | Kindle (ES)
Kindle (FR)

Apple | Kobo | Smashwords

All E-book Purchase Links:

Meanwhile, I’m working on the next Suncoast Society book and I’m trying to finish up the last of the Good Will Ghost Hunting books. I’m holding back Triple Trouble 11 and 12 so I can submit both of them with the GWGH books and get them all submitted at one time. (This way I can avoid any continuity issues, I hope. LOL)

No, I haven’t forgotten y’all, and I have NOT abandoned those series. I just needed to catch my breath. Writing two books a month was REALLY starting to take its toll on me, even when they weren’t two full-length novels every month. (Remember, I do NOT use ghostwriters–every word comes from ME.) I don’t want to burn out, so I need to bounce around a little and let my brain reset. Some authors use a bunch of pen names for each genre. It’s hard enough for me to keep track of two pen names, including one who IS REALLY MY NAME (LOL) so yeah, not doing that. But you’ll get a scattering of different books from me. Coming up on next year, I’ll be rotating through my Tymber Dalton books more evenly once I get the Triple Trouble, GWGH, and Brimstone Vampires submitted to Siren.

I received a lot of questions this weekend about why I write as Lesli and Tymber. For those of you who don’t know the story, Lesli is REALLY me. But, years ago, when Hubby went to work for county government, we weren’t sure if it’d cause issues for him if I published erotic romance as Lesli. Thus, Tymber was born. By the time we realized they didn’t give a flying fuck what I wrote, I was published as both.

Now, eleven years later, I self-pub as Lesli and my Tymber books are contractually exclusive to Siren-BookStrand. And Siren has a niche. You don’t take your outboard motor to a Ford automobile dealership to get the prop worked on, and you don’t order sushi at a French bakery. 🙂 It’s like that, and nothing more. Specialization. And it’s fun having complete creative control over my covers and the print layout, all of that. (I actually enjoy that part of the process. I know, I know, I’m a weird, OCD Taurus. LOL) I love sitting down and making covers, though. I have fun with it, being able to bring my visions to life like that.

So, that’s the latest scoop. What are you looking forward to from me? Feel free to sound off in the comments below!

Last Chance…

Remember, you only have until 10/31 to pick up the Devastation Trilogy Box Set. (No new content if you already have the individual books.)

[Political romance, MMF.]

The Devastation Trilogy, a standalone trilogy set in the world of the Governor Trilogy.

Dirge, Solace, Release

He doesn’t know how to let go…

He doesn’t know how to give in…

She doesn’t know how to give up…

Writing As: Lesli Richardson

Buy Links:

Kindle (US) | Kindle (UK)
Kindle (CA) | Kindle (AU)
Kindle (JP) | Kindle (IT)
Kindle (DE) | Kindle (MX)
Kindle (BR) | Kindle (IN)
Kindle (NL) | Kindle (ES)
Kindle (FR)

Nook | Kobo | Apple | Google | Smashwords

All E-book Purchase Links:

Available for Pre-Order:

Saudade (Maxim Colonies 3)

Buy Links:

Kindle (US) | Kindle (UK)
Kindle (CA) | Kindle (AU)
Kindle (JP) | Kindle (IT)
Kindle (DE) | Kindle (MX)
Kindle (BR) | Kindle (IN)
Kindle (NL) | Kindle (ES)
Kindle (FR)

Nook | Kobo | Apple

All E-book Purchase Links:


Devout Trilogy

(MMM, political romance)

Writing as Lesli Richardson

Set in the world of the Governor Trilogy and others.

One hall pass–redeemed.

Beep-beep, motherf*cker.

What’s the worst that could happen?

Now Available…

Yes, Governor: A Governor Trilogy Novella (Governor Trilogy 4)

(MMF, contemporary political romance)

Can his wily political pets outsmart the Master?


As chief of staff to the governor of Florida, Carter has a well-deserved rep as a bastard extraordinaire. But when he’s dealing with two governors for the price of one on Christmas Eve, will the Master find himself outmatched and outmaneuvered by his wily political pets?

Note: This standalone short story takes place after Chief (Governor Trilogy 3) and can be read as a standalone independent from the trilogy. This is a re-release. If you read it as part of the Passion, Pleasure, Pain benefit anthology, it does not contain any new content.

Kindle (US) | Kindle (UK)
Kindle (CA) | Kindle (AU)
Kindle (JP) | Kindle (IT)
Kindle (DE) | Kindle (MX)
Kindle (BR) | Kindle (IN)
Kindle (NL) | Kindle (ES)
Kindle (FR)

Nook | Kobo | Apple | Google | Smashwords

All E-book Purchase Links:

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Whew! Recovering from Shameless 2019–bring on Shameless 2020!
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One thought on “Whew! Recovering from Shameless 2019–bring on Shameless 2020!

  • October 26, 2019 at 2:06 pm

    Super excited for the GWGH and Triple trouble! I need to see what happens next!!! But I’ll end up buying all the others as well. Your books are always such great reads!

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