Real life, real BDSM.

So what do you do when you’re married for 25 years, your child is leaving home for college, and you suddenly find yourself with a very free after-work schedule? If you’re the heroine of my new book, you might find yourself in the position of wanting to spice things up in your otherwise solid and … Read More

BDSM vs. Abuse

Friend and fellow writer Tara Rose has a great blog post today, in the wake of the premier of the trailer for 50 Shades of Grey, that details the differences between healthy, consensual BDSM and abuse. (Complete with nifty graphics for those who are visual learners. 🙂  )

Last call for Writers Lab!

Don’t forget registration closes Tuesday, 6/24 for Writers Lab! (Mercury retrograde strikes again, and a website snafu cropped up that might have prevented some from registering, so they’ve extended it two days.) Open to writers and readers! If you’re wanting to learn more about BDSM in a safe, non-threatening environment, this is the perfect weekend … Read More