I think the title says it all…
#NaNoWriMo – How goes it?
If you’re still plugging away at #NaNoWriMo (good for you!) I’m still running my 30 Days of #NaNoWriMo blog posts over at the Write Your Ass Off blog. 🙂 http://writeyourassoff.blogspot.com/search/label/%23nanowrimo
Yes, it’s the first day of November. For those of you who partake in the care and feeding of a writer, you might suddenly notice they’ve gone crazier than usual crazy. It’s NaNo. NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) is where
Write Your Ass Off: Preventing writing-related ouchies.
I blogged today over on the Write Your Ass Off blog about things I use to help mitigate repetitive-motion injuries/pain. http://writeyourassoff.blogspot.com/2015/10/taking-care-of-yourself-writing-related.html
Ellora’s Cave vs Dear Author lawsuit: Settlement ahoy.
There was a settlement today in the Ellora’s Cave versus Dear Author lawsuit. The result? Well… http://writeyourassoff.blogspot.com/2015/10/elloras-cave-vs-dear-author-not-with.html
Write Your Ass Off: Effective Facebook promo tips for authors so you stop looking like an annoying idiot.
Are you an author? Are you Facebooking properly? Maybe not. Don’t worry, I have you covered. Effective Facebook promo tips for authors so you stop looking like an annoying idiot. In Case You Missed It… Now available for pre-order:
Write Your Ass Off: #amazonfail Amazon’s love/hate with erotica.
Shocker (not) Amazon’s at it again shuffling titles into adult categories (meaning unsearchable) willy-nilly. http://writeyourassoff.blogspot.com/2015/10/amazons-lovehate-with-erotica.html In case you missed it… Impact (Suncoast Society 32, MMF, BDSM) is now available for pre-order. And it features Tilly, Cris, and Landry. 🙂Â
Write Your Ass Off: Historically based non-con romance? DO. NOT. WRITE. IT.
Shocker (not) I have another rant today, about writers who try to sexeh up horrific historical events all in the name of “free speech.” (Spoiler Alert: They’re doucheballs.) http://writeyourassoff.blogspot.com/2015/10/historically-based-non-con-romance-do.html
#notchilled Ellora’s Cave vs Dear Author lawsuit update (10/14/2015)
#writerslife (the one-post version)
I have learned how to post animated .gifs on Twitter. Be afraid. Be very afraid. I immediately posted a seizure-inducing series of them under the #writerslife hashtag. A couple of them were too big to publish there, so I’m adding
Putting descriptions on a diet.
Over at the Write Your Ass Off blog, I’ve got a new post about putting your descriptions on a diet. http://writeyourassoff.blogspot.com/2015/09/putting-descriptions-on-diet.html Enjoy! Now Available: Vulnerable (Suncoast Society 30, MM, BDSM) CLICK HERE TO READ THE FIRST CHAPTER. Description Leo
Writer Beware: Ellora’s Cave versus Dear Author lawsuit update 9/16/2015
Ellora’s Cave vs Dear Author lawsuit update 9/2/2015
I’ve posted an update over on my  Write Your Ass off blog about the Ellora’s Cave versus Dear Author lawsuit. http://writeyourassoff.blogspot.com/2015/09/writer-beware-ec-vs-da-lawsuit-update.html
Copyright Infringement – It’s not just about the text.
Photographer Jon Paul Ferrara posted today on Facebook about finding some of his artwork illegally used as covers on e-books available on Amazon. It has been brought to my attention Amazon is republishing my artwork on e-books being sold throughout
A writer’s brain…true story!
True story!