Well, we survived the storm. Luckily it wasn’t much of an impact on our area. Still have the boards up, but we’ll get those down in the next couple of days.
A chance comment and reply to a friend on an email list today prompted me to think about this and toss the question out to the masses. For you writers out there, what is your preferred “work routine” when it comes to your writing? Or do you even have one? Do you sit with your laptop wherever you feel like it, or do you have a highly regimented routine in front of your desktop, etc. Do you have a favorite beverage or food you have to have handy? Music? Candles? Explore the exciting world of online gambling and discover reputable slot terpercaya platforms for a thrilling and enjoyable experience.
Tell us about your writing work habits in the comments, and feel free to give us a plug for your website or buy link while you’re at it. (Hey, don’t look a free promo opportunity in the mouth. *LOL*)
While you’re at it, if you haven’t yet, stop by the Brimstone Series Blog to find out more information about my paranormal romance, “Love & Brimstone.”
I definitely have a routine that I try to follow for the most part. I work as a freelancer as well as a fiction writer and the weekends are my break from fiction. On weekends I look for freelance writing jobs and just relax (unless I’m on a deadline)
During the week, well, I used to have a full time job and so I’ve trained myself to write in the evenings so now even though I’m working from home, I find I’m still useless until about 4 pm.
Unless I’m on a deadline for an article, mornings and early afternoons are spent on e-mail, promotions, message boards and research if I need it. Then I have an early dinner/late lunch at 3 and then my brain seems to clear and I can be creative and write until midnight, with periodic breaks in between.
I’ve tried writing earlier but my brain is just in a fog. (laughs)
I have a novella I’m finishing up hopefully at this end of this month and this routine is helping me achieve that goal.
My latest release from Amira Press is called Forbidden and you can pick it here:
I love reading about writer’s writing habits!
I do, and likely not many follow my routine. Lol. I cannot sit at a PC because it causes my neck to swell. I would end up with other problems, too, that affects writer — swollen ankles, tendonitis of elbow or wrist. Since I write 12-18 hours a day, something had to give.
I bought a bed chair – this is a chair with arms, back rests and neck rest. Arms are supported; neck is supported. No strain anywhere. But I cannot stay stiff-legged, so I have a curved leg pillow. My laptop is on a breakfast tray so it’s not on my lap. Keeps the lappy for overheating, also give me the proper angle. I can write in total comfort, long hours every day, with no pain or pressure on any of the usual problem spots.
I highly recommend Comfort Zone’s bed lounge reader
I can’t say I have much of a routine, because if I’m awake and not doing chores, I’m in my chair in the livingroom with my laptop on one of those As Seen On TV cheesy tables. But hey! it works! I used to work in the office, but swelling legs were a problem, and separation from the family. So, now I write and work in my chair, with my feet up on my ottoman. The worst part is I am far, far too close to the kitchen!
Morgan O’Reilly
When the weather is nice, I tag along with my husband to his job. He works at various horse farms and there’s always beautiful scenery. It’s relaxing, quiet and I get tons done. When the weather is lousy, well, that’s a different story.
If I’m not with my husband, I like to write in the evenings. I hate sitting in one spot, so I move around with my laptop a lot.
My new release, Me and My Ghoulfriends from Lyrical Press is available now.
Routine? What the hell is that? LOL
I write whenever and wherever my muses get a hair up their ass so to speak. My day job is managing four apartment complexes and I work from home, so I basically write when I can.
I seem to get most of my writing done from 6pm until 1am since I’ve always been more of a night owl. On occasion I’ve gotten into the swing, pounding the keyboard until 3 or 4 am. Anything earlier than 9 am in the morning is impossible unless I have huge amounts of caffeine.
My second book, the novella Le Jardin de la Lumiere was just released and my first novel Shadows Beneath was released in April of this year.
At present I’m alternately pounding out two more books, a collection of short stories based on the original Grimm fairy tales and a film noir, suspense novel. All of my books are of the GBLT (m/m) romance/erotica genre with a paranormal flavor.
You can find my latest release here at Dark Roast Press:
Yay for missing the storm! Or the storm missing you, I guess đŸ™‚
I still work the old-fashioned way: at odd hours, hunched over my keyboard in a crappy chair, totally not ergonomic in any sense, surrounded by books and loose papers and ancient cups of tea. I do suffer twinges of repetitive strain in my backspace pinky finger… so I rubberband it to my ring finger. Low tech but effective.
There’s a picture of my office at http://rosecityromancewriters.blogspot.com/2008_06_01_archive.html
Using these antiquated methods, I cobbled together SEDUCED BY SHADOWS which comes out November 2009 http://jessaslade.com
I used to be a late-night writer, but since I’ve been off work this summer, I find I love to write in the afternoons. I need lots and lots of coffee and I always keep a beeswax candle lit nearby. I work in the main living area of the house so I don’t feel cut off from the rest of the family. Also, that’s where our dog, Scruffy, hangs out and I like to bounce my ideas off him.
Ancient Inheritance coming November 17,2008 – Lyrical Press Inc.
Give me the early morning hours. The house is quiet, coffee is perked, and Poker After Dark is on the TV. But when my muse is on a hot streak, I write whenever and wherever possible. Home, work, long hand in notebook.
My ideal setting is quiet house, coffee or iced tea, and Jessica Fletcher solving a crime on the DVD. She’s my inspiration.
Tree of Buried Secrets coming soon at Lyrical Press.
Cassie Exline
Great comments everyone! Keep ’em coming!
This question is easy: when I stick to a routine, I’m productive. When I don’t, I’m not.
But I really hate routines so this is a battle I have fought with myself for years.
I have days where I also say along with Jesse-Fox, “Routine, what the hell is that?”
No, really, I like to do my writing early in the morning, at least it used to be that way when it was only me at home. Since I have to share a computer, I do a lot of writing the old fashioned way. Yep, you guessed it, pen and notebooks! It’s okay in a way, but when I sit down to put it in the computer, I fall prey to my writing “frenzy”. That’s what my muse hides behind cause she’s scared of the frenzy!
I like music when I’m alone writing. I don’t necessairly care if there is noise around me because writing is my solace, and the noise gets blocked out anyway. One reason for writing when the house is noisy! I’m off work all summer, so for about an hour or two in the mornings I write, then another couple hours on and off in the afternoon. Then I try to add it to the computer late at night, with music, when the house is quiet. When I work, it’s usually late nights of writing. I’m a night person, anyway!
My current releases are the first two books in the Enchantment series, Visions of Enchantment and Enchantment’s Embrace.
You can check them out at my website and learn everything you want to know about my books, and me!
I’m a creature of habit and work best with a routine. It keeps the cat happy too because she knows when it’s okay to bug me and when not to.
There’s so much to do with writing, promotion, email and chats. I devote a couple of hours to each during the day. However if one urgently needs more attention or a story is hot, I’m flexible. Sure don’t want the writing to be forced.
All in all, I love this life. I can take a walk if I need a break, eat at my desk if need be. No one yells at me for working overtime or for quitting early. Heck, kicking back with a good book is work! Can’t ask for more than that!
I try to maintain a routine Monday thru Friday. Weekends, I reserve for my family, but sometime I sneek into my office for a few hours.
First thing I do in the morning is work on the internet and handle email and yahoo groups.
Then I move into my office and work until around five. Fix dinner and spend time with my family. Not very exciting but it keeps me on track.
Tina Gayle
Pregnancy Plan at http://www.thewildrosepress.com
Baby Decision at