(Apparently people are now trying to strip my watermarks off the original Walken-Busey meme I posted. Assshoooooles! Yes, I did create that particular one, and if you look at my Facebook page where I first posted it, you can see
So I created a meme, and…apparently…um…well…yeah… LOL #moarcowbell2016 #WalkenBusey2016
So here’s the thing. Those of you who follow me know I have a very…odd sense of humor. Last Thursday, I literally spent five minutes in Pixelmator creating something that made ME giggle because I am sooo totally over this
#moarcowbell2016 #WalkenBusey2016 (I should be writing…)
#moarcowbell2016 #WalkenBusey2016 I really should be writing…
#moarcowbell2016 #WalkenBusey2016 “You know you want to.”
#moarcowbell2016 #WalkenBusey2016 …Because I should have my image software taken away from me…
#moarcowbell2016 #WalkenBusey2016 “Talk to the hand.”
#moarcowbell2016 #WalkenBusey2016 …Because I should get a cookie for avoiding the all-too-obvious fisting jokes…
#moarcowbell2016 #WalkenBusey2016
Because you know you want a president who can shove his hand up the ass of special interest puppets in government and make them play nice with each other… #moarcowbell2016 #WalkenBusey2016
#sorrynotsorry #moarcowbell2016 My election slate of choice…
#sorrynotsorry #moarcowbell2016 Fun with graphics software! 🙂 LATEST RELEASES Liability (Suncoast Society 33, MMF, BDSM) Bleacke Shifters Box Set 1 The Great Turning (Book 1) Tony’s Collection (Suncoast Society box set) Drunk Monkeys series (Books 1 – 10 now available!)
#FreebieAlert 03/07/2016
Gawd. Monday, again. Feels like we go through this EVERY freaking week. Oh, wait… *sigh* Here are a few freebies to start your week off right, and some peep pimpage that I hope you’ll take a look at, as well
Scary New World: The ever-changing face of publishing.
Nook is discontinuing sales in the UK. Greeeaat. One more way for “the ‘Zon” to dominate indie- and self-publishing. Samhain Publishing announced last week they’re shutting down. Fuck. Take a deep breath. (And a Xanax, if you have ’em.) The
Nook circling the drain?
Received two interesting e-mails today from Nook, quoted in their entirety below. We are writing to announce an important change to our NOOK Service that will affect NOOK Press vendors publishing content in the United Kingdom. Effective March 15, 2016,
Authors: Stop it with the cliffhanger shite already. Seriously. Just…stop.
March? ALREADY?? Ugh.
I can’t believe it’s freaking MARCH already. Seriously, I. Can’t. Even. I got By the Embers Dies the Fire (Triple Trouble 8) submitted yesterday to Siren. (So please either call off the voodoo dolls, or someone scratch that dang itch
#Fibromyalgia #spoonie Essential oils for pain relief.
**** DISCLAIMER! I am NOT a doctor, I am NOT a health professional. Any advice I give here is applicable ONLY to my experience. Your results may vary, consult your health care professional before doing anything, research your ass off,
Release Day: Liability (Suncoast Society 33, MMF, BDSM)
It’s release day for Liability (Suncoast Society 33, MMF, BDSM)! Available at BookStrand.com Note: It takes 4-6 weeks for books to be released to third-party sites. I have no control over that. If you have a Kindle, you can order
Yay, it’s Fibromyalgia Friday, #FreebieAlert and other randomness.
Appointment with my GP yesterday. Last week, appointment with the cardiologist. The cardiologist upped the meds to twice a day instead of once a day since they seem to be helping the symptoms I was having. Symptoms they cannot tell