This is the prologue and first chapter from Out of Bight, Out of Mind, the fourth book in my Deep Space Mission Corps series. (Yes, I have more planned for the series.) All of the first four books are MFMM.
First Chapter: Brimstone Blues (Brimstone Vampires 2)
This is the prologue and first chapter from Brimstone Blues, book 2 in my Brimstone Vampires series. If you haven’t read book 1, Love and Brimstone, there will be spoilers in this excerpt. Yes, I am working on the other
Friday Funny: Baseball mascot with an appetite…
This has got to be one of the most clever and funniest damn things I’ve seen in a while that didn’t involve cats riding Roombas or dogs doing silly things. (And it’s even work-safe, how about that? LOL) (Click here
Adult Excerpt: Broken Arrow (Suncoast Society)
Here are story and adult excerpts from Broken Arrow (Suncoast Society 22, MMF, BDSM), coming 4/27 from Siren-BookStrand and available for pre-order now. The naughty bits are after the jump… LOL 🙂
Mac issues: 10.10.3 update
A little randomness for my Mac-flavored peeps. I updated Spunky (my MacBook Air) to the 10.10.3 version late last week and noticed that I’d been having REALLY slow performance when I went to upload/download stuff from my Downloads folder. After
WTF GooglePlay Books? You are ALLOWING pirates to operate!
This shitstain of a cuntnugget needs to go down: ALL the books he has posted are ILLEGALLY POSTED. And I found out today, after discovering he’d posted at least one of mine, that authors have been sending takedown notices
NOOOOO bath…
This cat REALLY doesn’t want a bath. And it’s HYSTERICAL! LATEST RELEASES: Coming Soon | Audiobooks | Latest Posts
Toilet Paper Hacks
I have a new YouTube obsession – the Crazy Russian Hacker. His toilet paper hacks are great. Definitely worth the watch! LATEST RELEASES: Coming Soon | Audiobooks | Latest Posts
Etch-A-Sketch Magic
I’ve seen some pretty coolio things done with an Etch-A-Sketch (none of them by me, unfortunately, because I sort of draw like a drunken monkey). This, however, takes the cake. This video is jaw-dropping and worth the watch. LATEST RELEASES:
Review for “A Turn of the Screwed” (Suncoast Society)
Received a great 5-star and Purest Delight-ranked review from Guilty Pleasures Book Reviews for A Turn of the Screwed (Suncoast Society 19, MMF, BDSM). I went through every single emotion reading A Turn of the Screwed. I was depressed, I was
If I had a superpower…
This random thought is prompted by a picture someone posted in the Trybe. That’s not the superpower I’d want. I want something…different. I’d want the ability to point at someone (or a group of people) and make them spontaneously orgasm.
Friday Funny: Achmed the Dead Terrorist
I love Jeff Dunham’s stuff. The one line that always kills (haha) me is when he asks Achmed if he did it for the virgins, and Achmed says, “Are you kidding? I’d kill you for a Klondike Bar.” LOL If
Handling David Bowie’s balls…
…no, not THOSE balls, you dirty pervs. I have a T-shirt from that says “The Babe With the Power” on it. Which prompted a long-overdue Labyrinth rewatch. (Well, a first-time watch for Hubby, who didn’t get the reference on
Confession Time: What are you reading?
So what are you reading? Chime in in the comments with what’s on your current reading list/queued up in your reading device. 🙂 (No self-promo, please. This is to talk about what you’re reading, not what you’re writing.) Yes, my
“Freedom” to discriminate.
(I want to start out this rant by saying that I’m NOT against religions or people who are religious. I’m not. I use examples in here to explain my points, not to pick on any particular group. I get that