Subscribe to my newsletter and never miss an update! So, this Amazon bug first cropped up a few weeks ago. I saw a couple of fellow authors frantically asking if readers could see their Kindle books in Amazon’s store. I,
Amazon rank-stripping erotica books and authors.
Write Your Ass Off: #amazonfail Amazon’s love/hate with erotica.
Shocker (not) Amazon’s at it again shuffling titles into adult categories (meaning unsearchable) willy-nilly. In case you missed it… Impact (Suncoast Society 32, MMF, BDSM) is now available for pre-order. And it features Tilly, Cris, and Landry. 🙂Â
Amazon’s secret sauce algorithm dings erotica authors?
I discovered something interesting this morning that I feel warrants a blog post. It’s no secret (just look at my blog header image) that I write under multiple pen names. My most prolific pen name is Tymber Dalton, which is
KU info and Amazon WTFery – Reviews rejected/removed?
Two different ‘Zon topics to touch upon today, the new KU/KOLL payment structure, and the ‘Zon’s sooper-seekret sawce algorithm review removal process for…reasons? (What reasons, apparently, we’re not allowed to know.) New KU/KOLL Payment Structure Hugh Howey (as always) does
Amazon changes how book rankings are displayed.
Whoops, more Amazon news. I discovered something new when I logged into the ‘Zon this morning. Looks like they’ve changed their listing system for book rankings. You can now click on books and see where they are ranked in their
Amazon KU and KOLL payment structure changing.
EDIT: I wrote to Amazon and actually talked to a representative on the phone to get these issues clarified. That blog post is HERE. From the “see, I told you so” files… Amazon has announced that they’re changing the payment
Authors asking for reviews: the readers speak out. (And, FYI, they HATE Goodreads.)
So I conducted a highly scientific informal poll of my Tymber’s Trybe and Facebook peeps yesterday. (And a HUGE thank you to everyone who chimed in with their opinions.) The subject was asking about authors requesting reviews from readers. Which
Wow. Amazon, reality-challenged, much?
Okay, let me state up front, I am NOT an Amazon hater. Nor am I a “hater” of Hachette. I hate stupidity. I make a majority of my sales via Amazon. I would say that 75% of my earnings probably come from
Kindle Unlimited: Hmm…
Yeah, I received an email from Amazon this morning after having seen rumors about their new program for a couple of days. I’ve been asked what I think about this program, and honestly?Â
New titles in print.
Time for a little catch-up. LOL Still getting all the book pages added to the site, but meanwhile, several more titles of mine have appeared in print: Two Geeks and Their Girl, Pinch Me (Suncoast Series 6), Hope Heals, Without Porpoise
The sky’s not falling, and Amazon doesn’t (always) eat their young.
I awoke this morning to various views on Amazon’s acquisition of Goodreads, varying in tone from, “Meh,” to, “OHMYGODIT’STHEENDOFTHEWORLD!” And everywhere in between. I tend more toward the “Meh” end of the spectrum myself. Why? Shelfari. Oh, and a little
"It’s a Sweet Life" on Amazon and in print.
For those of you who’ve been waiting, It’s a Sweet Life is now available on Amazon and other third-party sites in both e-book format and in print. (Look for book 1 in the series, Many Blessings, from Siren-BookStrand this May!) You
Amazon’s at it again — no more tags.
Well, Amazon apparently is continuing along their “if it’s not broke, let’s break it!” course of action. The latest victim? Tags. Yep. If you go look at book pages, tags are gone. Which means it’s more difficult than ever to
Writer Beware: Amazon KDP account settings
I got this tidbit from Indie BookSpot blog this morning. If you sell your books on Amazon KDP, go check your account settings. Chances are, your US payment was switched from EFT to check. When I checked, yep, sure enough,