Thank you for all the love and support, and audiobook news.
Still here.
Day by day.
Grief beyond measure.
Fly free, Baby Bird.
F*ck cancer.
*sigh* I’m sick of cancer taking the people I love. We lost a good friend yesterday, a few months sooner than we all thought. He’d stopped treatments, but his heart stopped suddenly yesterday, his body weakened by chemo and treatments.
"Stay calm, have courage, and wait for signs."
That’s one of my favorite quotes. I don’t know if Craig Johnson, author of the Longmire series of books, got it from somewhere else or not, but I don’t care. This week has been a mix of that. Usually, release
RIP Scudder, 8/20/13.
There’s now one more dog waiting for me at the Rainbow Bridge. We love you, Scuddy-buddy.
Coming to terms.
It’s difficult coming to terms with the death of a loved one. Especially when the loved one is dying before you, you can reach out to touch them, but you aren’t sure of if they can even hear you. A