(Amazon affiliate link codes are included. Doesn’t cost you a penny, but makes me a few extra cents.) Woot! Bestie Ravenna Tate has a new book out, first in a new series, and it is delicious!!! Bloodlust (Unlicensed to Kill
#WhatAmIReading #FreebieAlert #PeepPimpage 12/9/2017 Edition
#WhatAmIReading & #FreebieAlert – 11/25/2017 Post-Black Friday edition.
Monday #PeepPimpage – Holiday edition
#FreebieAlert 11/08/2016 – Election Day, Blanket Fort, #Hamilton Edition
#PeepPimpage – Author Ravenna Tate’s Weathermen series.
It’s no secret that from time to time I love to give shout-outs to my peeps and pimp their books for them. (Especially when I love a series!) Bestie Ravenna Tate has a particularly yummy one that, if you haven’t