(I include affiliate codes because it makes me a few extra pennies without costing you a dime.)

Are you going to be at Shameless Book Con 2018 in Orlando? (October 19-21, 2018) I will! I’m a confirmed signing author. Hope to see you there!

Now to the books!

For starters, have you SEEN the fricking deals on 7″ Kindle Fires on Amazon? They’re starting at $29.99. If you’ve been wanting one, it’s a great price. (You can get memory cards to increase the storage.) Or get them for pressies for family. Or for a spare for yourself. (You can never have too many e-readers! LOL)

So what are you going to fill your Kindle with?

Oooooh, do I have some recommendations for you!

A little #peeppimpage to start with. Bestie Ravenna Tate has her Demons on Wheels MC series and it’s SO yummy! The latest one, Mastema’s Obsession, is out, and book 4 is coming soon.

  1. Tannin’s Thunderbolt
  2. Gorgon’s Vengeance
  3. Mastema’s Obsession

I just finished the New Camelot trilogy by Sierra Simone. It was REALLY good, and other than a little silliness with a “club” (that worked within the context of the books’ world) she got the BDSM aspects right. Books 1 and 2 were AMAZING, but book 3 took a hard left turn into SFF territory (from contemporary) and might throw some readers. Felt a little rushed. BUT…I still enjoyed it a LOT. So fair warning when you go into it about that. Satisfying conclusion to the trilogy. #TeamEmbry (just sayin’).

  1. American Queen
  2. American Prince
  3. American King

I am a VERY difficult reader to please, especially when it comes to BDSM books. Not only did she hold my interest, I binge-read the trilogy and it gave me one hella bad book hangover.

Considering I DNF far more books than I finish, that’s saying a LOT. Especially when I say it’s definitely a series I want to re-read. I really enjoyed the relationship between the three characters.


(Yes, I just repeated myself. LOL)

Also recently finished Patchwhore by Kim Jones and LOVED it! Not your typical MC story.

Antisocial by Heidi Cullinan is one you will NOT want to miss if you’re a fan of MM. It’s a sweet book with hints of spice, and brings in a character from the ace spectrum as well.

Some other new releases:


Guess what’s available for pre-order?

Love Slave for Two: Resilience (Book 5) and Love Slave for Two: Retribution (Book 6) can be pre-ordered from BookStrand!


Note: It takes 4-6 weeks for books to be released to third-party sites by my publisher after their initial release on the Siren-BookStrand site. I have no control over that. If you have a Kindle, you can order directly from Siren-BookStrand and have the file sent right to your device/app. If you have another kind of device, or read on a tablet, you can buy other format files from Siren-BookStrand and either download them or transfer them to your device. Nook | Kobo | iPad 

Love Slave for Two series page


I use MailChimp for my newsletter. Make sure you’re subscribed, because I’m going to be running a series of giveaways soon that you do not want to miss! If you’d like to subscribe, please follow the link and make sure to reply to the confirmation e-mail. Thanks!


How do I find your books?

I have a spreadsheet of clickable LEGAL buy links for ALL my books under my various pen names, in the various formats (e-book, audio, and print) and arranged by series! (And Hubby’s titles, too!) Bookmark it, because I update it all the time. 🙂

Click Here!

Look what’s available on audiobook!

Monkey See, Monkey Do (Drunk Monkeys 9) is now available as an audiobook:

Amazon | Audible | iTunes

Drunk Monkeys series page


Reconsider Me (Suncoast Society 59) is now available on all third-party sites!

(If you’ve left reviews on Goodreads or BookStrand for it, I’d greatly appreciate reviews on Amazon, too, because it REALLY helps a book’s visibility and rankings there. Thanks!)

Buy Links:


Kindle (US) | Kindle (UK) | Kindle (CA) | Kindle (AU)
Kindle (JP) | Kindle (IT)Kindle (DE) | Kindle (MX)
Kindle (BR)Kindle (IN) | Kindle (NL) | Kindle (ES) | Kindle (FR)

Nook | Kobo | iTunes | Google

Click here to read an adult excerpt.



Most Recent Releases/Coming Soon:

Now Available in Print:

Now in Audiobook:

Coming Soon | Spreadsheet of Buy Links | Series Info | Audiobooks

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Tymber’s Amazon Author Page | Lesli’s Amazon Author Page

My Siren-BookStrand Author Page

Hubby’s Amazon Author Page as Jon Dalton

Hubby’s Amazon Author Page as Haley Jordan

#WhatAmIReading & #FreebieAlert – 11/25/2017 Post-Black Friday edition.

2 thoughts on “#WhatAmIReading & #FreebieAlert – 11/25/2017 Post-Black Friday edition.

  • November 26, 2017 at 6:46 am

    Thank you for the shout-out! <3

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