Why I’m going to focus more heavily on MeWe than on Facebook going forward, and other authors and readers should, too.
Wow, ten years!
#SaturdayFlashFic – What do ewe see?
#SaturdayFlashFic – Desolation
#SaturdayFlashFic – The House
From Kristen Lamb: Author Despair – What to Do When You Feel Like All is Lost.
Kristen Lamb has a great post on her blog about author despair. I see a lot of writers lately questioning why they’re even trying anymore, and this is such a valid post right now. https://warriorwriters.wordpress.com/2016/04/25/author-despair-what-to-do-when-you-feel-like-all-is-lost
#writerslife (the one-post version)
I have learned how to post animated .gifs on Twitter. Be afraid. Be very afraid. I immediately posted a seizure-inducing series of them under the #writerslife hashtag. A couple of them were too big to publish there, so I’m adding
Authors asking for reviews: the readers speak out. (And, FYI, they HATE Goodreads.)
So I conducted a highly scientific informal poll of my Tymber’s Trybe and Facebook peeps yesterday. (And a HUGE thank you to everyone who chimed in with their opinions.) The subject was asking about authors requesting reviews from readers. Which
The “secret” to making it as a writer.
What is the “secret” to making it as a writer? The sooper-dooper highly classified secret? There is no secret. That’s the secret. All the knowledge is out there. Write, edit, release, repeat. There is no gaming the system, just a
Why do we need the Oxford comma?
If you’re wondering WHY we need the Oxford comma… Last time I checked, Nelson Mandela–even when alive–was not an 800-year-old demigod who collected dildos. (Although that might have been an interesting side note to his biography if he were…)
How’s your NaNoWriMo going?
*Hands you a weedwhacker and a flamethrower.* How’s the NaNo project going, bunky? Feeling a little overwhelmed? Struggling? In the weeds? Stop. No, I don’t mean stop writing, I mean stop worrying. No one’s going to kill you if you
Write Your Ass Off: NaNoWriMo edition 1
Nope, not doing NaNo this year. Too busy, unfortunately. But I posted a list of some books I truly feel are must-haves for any writer’s library over on the Write Your Ass Off blog. I’ll put up a couple more
Dear Newbie Writer: You suck…
. ..HOWEVER…Â http://writeyourassoff.blogspot.com/2014/09/dear-newbie-writer-you-suck.html Also, I’ve made two additions today to the article about the problems at Ellora’s Cave.
Backup Basics (Or, “WAAAAAH MY DATA IS GONE!”)
At least once or twice a week, I’ll log in to Facebook or Twitter to catch either the original post or replies to same-said post, of a fellow writer (sometimes literally) crying that their manuscript is GONE. Sometimes, the computer