So what do you do when you’re married for 25 years, your child is leaving home for college, and you suddenly find yourself with a very free after-work schedule? If you’re the heroine of my new book, you might find
BDSM vs. Abuse
Friend and fellow writer Tara Rose has a great blog post today, in the wake of the premier of the trailer for 50 Shades of Grey, that details the differences between healthy, consensual BDSM and abuse. (Complete with nifty graphics
Well, some people just refuse to hear the truth.
A follow-up from my blog post yesterday where I took on yet another radical feminist who insists that all BDSM is abuse, regardless of consent or not. Apparently, the blogger doesn’t like hearing the truth, that the examples they used
Yet another one where I take on radical feminists’ views about BDSM.
Oh, look. Someone on the Interwebz is having a butthurt cow about consensual BDSM practices. It’s an older article, but one I was only pointed toward just today. *sigh*Â Here’s my response to them, because I seriously doubt they’ll let
Last call for Writers Lab!
Don’t forget registration closes Tuesday, 6/24Â for Writers Lab! (Mercury retrograde strikes again, and a website snafu cropped up that might have prevented some from registering, so they’ve extended it two days.) Open to writers and readers! If you’re wanting
Registration for Writers Lab closes June 22!
UPDATE: Registration closes Sunday, June 22, so if you’ve been holding off, it’s time to get your registration in. If you have any questions about this, you can contact the event coordinators at: [email protected] Friends of mine who run the
Consensual non-consent, rape play, and stay the hell out of my bedroom.
Cara Sutra has THE best blog I’ve ever read about summarizing CNC (consensual non-consent play, AKA rape play) in BDSM. DEFINITELY a must-read. You can take my rape fantasy when you non-consensually prise it from my kink dependent mind. The
You don’t have to agree with it if it’s not YOUR life.
A great article crossed my Twitter stream this morning, and I’m so glad I happened to be on when it did. Polyamory works for us ( Right there, that author stated things perfectly. *Warning: Rant ahead. Buckle your seatbelts and
Want to learn about BDSM? Writers Lab is for you.
UPDATE: Registration closes Sunday, June 22, so if you’ve been holding off, it’s time to get your registration in. If you have any questions about this, you can contact the event coordinators at: [email protected] Friends of mine who run the
"Stay calm, have courage, and wait for signs."
That’s one of my favorite quotes. I don’t know if Craig Johnson, author of the Longmire series of books, got it from somewhere else or not, but I don’t care. This week has been a mix of that. Usually, release
"Real" men don’t cause pain? Really? Thus, I rant.
A Facebook wannabe “dom” poser’s comments that “real” men don’t cause pain inspired this rant. (Because I didn’t want my head to explode and I refuse to comment on the douchetard’s page.) Thus, I rant thusly:
Guest Blog: Radical feminism and BDSM.
In my typically head-first, full-tilt charge no-holds-barred tactful way, I take on radical feminist views about BDSM over at The Playroom. Feel free to stop by and give your thoughts. To radical feminists who hate BDSM: Fuck. You.
BDSM Authors’ Playroom: Where do you start?
I’m also blogging today at the BDSM Authors’ Playroom. The most frequent question I get from people not in the lifestyle is how do they get started in it? So, today’s topic is: Where do you start?
Guest blog: Poly, swinging, open, or…?
I’m blogging today over at the BDSM Authors Playroom on the basics between poly, swinging, open relationships, etc. Click here:Â Poly, swinging, open, or…?
Guest blog: Vanilla isn’t the only flavor out there.
I’m blogging today over at the BDSM Authors Playroom about “vanillas” and the lifestyle, both explaining to vanilla folks why their loved one isn’t in a cult or being abused, and helping people in the BDSM lifestyle deal with their