Cover facelift – Bleacke Shifters series.

You know, sometimes, I can be stubborn. (Cue sarcastic replies from literally everyone who knows me.) When I first created the Bleacke Shifters covers for books 1-4 back in 2012 (even before the first four books were all written) I wanted that quirky kind of cover for it. It fit the series, the non-traditional hero, … Read More

#SneakPeek – Bleacke Spirit (Bleacke Shifters 4)

#SneakPeek – Bleacke Spirit (Bleacke Shifters 4)

This is an unedited sneak peek from Bleacke Spirit (Bleacke Shifters 4), writing as Lesli Richardson. It’s coming in September and is available for pre-order now. Enjoy! Description Honestly, Dewi preferred fighting the Segura drug cartel to having a frou-frou wedding. But she’s survived both with her sanity intact. Barely. That’s due in no small … Read More