I don’t know what’s in the water Scott Turow, head of the Author’s Guild, is drinking, but it must be good shit. He’s apparently gone over to the camp of the legacy traditional publishing houses and is no longer interested
Writer Beware: Noble Romance is STILL screwing authors.
Well, I reported a while back about Noble Romance screwing some authors. It’s still going on, and the problem is spreading. Britta Addams reports her experiences with them on her blog. Absolute Write has updated reports from other authors on
Scrivener convert…Kill. Me. Now. (Please?)
Oh, happy friggin’ April Fool’s Day, folks. Not. Why am I so grumpy, bucky? Well, those of you who follow me on a regular basis know two things. One, I’m on a pretty heavy writing schedule right now, averaging a
Quick romance term primer for readers.
Want to know what those letters mean when describing romance books? Here’s your primer!
Writer Beware: Amazon KDP account settings
I got this tidbit from Indie BookSpot blog this morning. If you sell your books on Amazon KDP, go check your account settings. Chances are, your US payment was switched from EFT to check. When I checked, yep, sure enough,
Writer Beware: Noble Romance
Another writer beware post for you all this week. This is the latest in an ongoing saga that broke a few months ago in a rather public way when one of the principals left and threw a hissy fit in
Writer Beware: Trouble at Silver Publishing
For a couple of months, several people, editors and authors alike, were approaching me privately and asking if I’d heard anything troubling about Silver Publishing. Then they would proceed to report their experiences, including slow/under/no payments and poor communication. After
Friday frappe.
Time for another mash-up of things I’ve gleaned from the interwebs (other than pictures of cats). Great article at the Writer Beware blog about when to refuse a contract (complete with reference links): http://accrispin.blogspot.com/2012/11/guest-blog-post-mustering-courage-to.html A couple of great articles from LiveScience
Writer Beware…
When I was first venturing out into actively submitting my fiction a few years back, I would have been more than thrilled to receive an email from an agent wanting to represent me. Especially after amassing quite a few rejections
Do. Not. Read. Reviews. Period.
On a Facebook group I’m a member of, a fellow writer lamented a scathing reader review they received where they were (literally) told they should seek out another form of employment, because writing wasn’t their forte. I’ve made no bones
BDSM tutorial on Kindle and nook.
If you didn’t get my BDSM tutorial for writers (and for those who are curious about the lifestyle) the first time it was out, I’ve re-released it. It’s available on Kindle and nook. Description (NON-FICTION) “Whip Me, Beat Me, Make
Writer Beware – Contests
Well, making the rounds are advertisements for a new e-book “contest.” They claim to be the “only awards program in the world” for digital publishing. Let’s start off by blowing that claim out of the water. The EPIC contest (for
Writing How-To: Taking Stock of Characters, Pt. 1
Writing How-To: Character development.
Writing How-To: Avoiding Head Hopping POVs
Well, yesterday I did something I don’t get as much time to do lately as I’d like. I sat and finished reading a book. Unfortunately, this book was an older romance (published in the early ’90’s). I ordered it and
Open Letter to NY Publishers
(The article prompting this letter can be found here.) Okay, Simon and Schuster and Hachette, seriously, WTF? You are going to delay the release of ebooks for months after hardcover…why? “…Preserve your industry?” Seriously? Okay, let me explain some basic