How about a spooky flash fiction writing prompt today?
#WritingTip – Checklist to help your book sell. (Write Your Ass Off)
#WritingTip – “Why won’t my book sell?”
From Kristen Lamb: Author Despair – What to Do When You Feel Like All is Lost.
Kristen Lamb has a great post on her blog about author despair. I see a lot of writers lately questioning why they’re even trying anymore, and this is such a valid post right now.
Sh*t Writers Say (video)
Another one that’s funny…because it’s true… (Click here if you can’t see the video.) You can sign up for my newsletter by clicking here. No spam, just alerts when I post to the website so you don’t miss anything!
Scary New World: The ever-changing face of publishing.
Nook is discontinuing sales in the UK. Greeeaat. One more way for “the ‘Zon” to dominate indie- and self-publishing. Samhain Publishing announced last week they’re shutting down. Fuck. Take a deep breath. (And a Xanax, if you have ’em.) The
Authors: Stop it with the cliffhanger shite already. Seriously. Just…stop.
#NaNoWriMo – How goes it?
If you’re still plugging away at #NaNoWriMo (good for you!) I’m still running my 30 Days of #NaNoWriMo blog posts over at the Write Your Ass Off blog. 🙂
Yes, it’s the first day of November. For those of you who partake in the care and feeding of a writer, you might suddenly notice they’ve gone crazier than usual crazy. It’s NaNo. NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) is where
Write Your Ass Off: Preventing writing-related ouchies.
I blogged today over on the Write Your Ass Off blog about things I use to help mitigate repetitive-motion injuries/pain.
Ellora’s Cave vs Dear Author lawsuit: Settlement ahoy.
There was a settlement today in the Ellora’s Cave versus Dear Author lawsuit. The result? Well…
Write Your Ass Off: Effective Facebook promo tips for authors so you stop looking like an annoying idiot.
Are you an author? Are you Facebooking properly? Maybe not. Don’t worry, I have you covered. Effective Facebook promo tips for authors so you stop looking like an annoying idiot. In Case You Missed It… Now available for pre-order:
Write Your Ass Off: #amazonfail Amazon’s love/hate with erotica.
Shocker (not) Amazon’s at it again shuffling titles into adult categories (meaning unsearchable) willy-nilly. In case you missed it… Impact (Suncoast Society 32, MMF, BDSM) is now available for pre-order. And it features Tilly, Cris, and Landry. 🙂Â
Write Your Ass Off: Historically based non-con romance? DO. NOT. WRITE. IT.
Shocker (not) I have another rant today, about writers who try to sexeh up horrific historical events all in the name of “free speech.” (Spoiler Alert: They’re doucheballs.)
#writerslife (the one-post version)
I have learned how to post animated .gifs on Twitter. Be afraid. Be very afraid. I immediately posted a seizure-inducing series of them under the #writerslife hashtag. A couple of them were too big to publish there, so I’m adding