First of all, there’s still time to enter my giveaway if you missed the original posting yesterday. That being said, I wanted to post the playlist article I did for a feature on Siren-BookStrand’s Facebook page about Out of Smoke
Write Your Ass Off: Tuesday Topics
New post up at Write Your Ass Off, a list of various writing topics from amping up suspense to handling criticism, to dealing with backstory issues:
Scrivener: Labels.
I love Scrivener. Love love luuuurrrvve. Want to have its babies kind of love. When I first had to give up SuperNotecard and move to Scrivener, mid-manuscript, no less, I was dubious. I shouldn’t have worried. Scrivener has quickly won
Writing Tip: Editors – They’re not your maid, or your mommy.
The one where I rant blog about an editor’s role: Write Your Ass Off – Editors: They’re not your maid, or your mommy.
Trainwreck in the making — an author arguing with reviewers.
What NOT to do as a writer… Seriously, do NOT argue with reviewers. I learned this hard lesson early in my career. Believe me, it NEVER ends well, and the author in this case is not only arguing with
The great Scrivener conversion update.
I mentioned a few weeks ago I’d had to ditch my previous writing program SuperNotecard due to it totally fucking not working anymore problems with it after a Java update broke it and the programmers’ not giving a shit lack
Scrivener convert…Kill. Me. Now. (Please?)
Oh, happy friggin’ April Fool’s Day, folks. Not. Why am I so grumpy, bucky? Well, those of you who follow me on a regular basis know two things. One, I’m on a pretty heavy writing schedule right now, averaging a
Quick romance term primer for readers.
Do. Not. Read. Reviews. Period.
BDSM tutorial on Kindle and nook.
If you didn’t get my BDSM tutorial for writers (and for those who are curious about the lifestyle) the first time it was out, I’ve re-released it. It’s available on Kindle and nook. Description (NON-FICTION) “Whip Me, Beat Me, Make
Writing How-To: Taking Stock of Characters, Pt. 1
Writing How-To: Avoiding Head Hopping POVs
Open Letter to NY Publishers
(The article prompting this letter can be found here.) Okay, Simon and Schuster and Hachette, seriously, WTF? You are going to delay the release of ebooks for months after hardcover…why? “…Preserve your industry?” Seriously? Okay, let me explain some basic
Writing How-To: (Bad Pun Alert) Easy Writer.
I want to let you in on a little secret about writing. (It’s not a secret for my fellow pubbed authors, because they already know this, so quit that snickering there in the peanut gallery.) Writing is the EASY part
Writing How-To: Configuring Retro-Word Appearance
Do you miss the old versions of Word where you could use a dark background and light text? I got this link courtesy of author Douglas Clegg: You can not only change Word 2007 so the background and text