It’s a Monday. LOL Those of you who are in my Tymber’s Trybe Facebook group got to read a small taste of what my weekend was like as a DM at a convention. #wheresthetape #Isurvivednipplepatrol2016 Hubby and I finally watched
Happy Authorversary to Me! (Is too a thing…)
Eight years ago, on 08/08/08 (yes, same day as the Beijing Olympics opened) my very first fiction book was released. It was Love and Brimstone, and put out by Amira Press. (They were a great publisher to work with.) Since
#FreebieAlert (Weekend Round-up Edition) 08/07/2016
Charles Michael Segaloff (aka Michael Makai) sentenced. #BDSM
The court docket summary doesn’t have the actual sentencing paperwork in it yet, but there was a hearing and local media are reporting that Charles Michael Segaloff (aka BDSM author Michael Makai) was sentenced on 8/5/2016 to two years in
Nineteen years and counting…
So nineteen years ago today, a really sweet and laid-back Buckeye guy married a really intense and stubborn native Floridian woman. Somehow, they made it work. And as far as I’m concerned, it’s working even better now than it did nineteen years
There was this article on HuffPo, and yours truly…
🙂 I was featured with several other amazeball BDSM authors in a HuffPo article, y’all!! *squee!* *Snoopy dancing!* Tymber’s Amazon Author Page | Lesli’s Amazon Author Page | Tymber’s Siren-BookStrand Author Page