That was what Gidget sort of looked like last night as I was trying to get my submission done and in. Well, we survived another one. My New Year’s Eve was spent on the computer, trying to make deadline. LOL
Cover Reveal: Monkeying Around (Drunk Monkeys 10)
I won’t deny I got a little something in my eye yesterday when I opened my e-mail and saw this cover from Siren. (I wasn’t crying. Shut up.) It’s the last book in my Drunk Monkeys series, Monkeying Around, and
In related news… Cosby. #ConsentMatters
Just to prove that no one’s “too big” to charge, Bill Cosby was arraigned today and bail was set at $1 million. #ConsentMatters
Now on Kindle: Code Monkey (Drunk Monkeys 8)
Now on Kindle (meaning coming soon to other third-party sites)! Code Monkey (Drunk Monkeys 8). BookStrand Kindle (US) | Kindle (UK) | Kindle (CA) | Kindle (AU) Kindle (JP) | Kindle (IT) | Kindle (DE) | Kindle (MX) Kindle (BR) | Kindle (IN) |
Fitbit update…
…my Fitbit is no longer vibrating. 🙁 *sad panda face* Yes, I went through the instructions to do a hard reset on it. I’m going to have to contact their customer service and see about getting a replacement.
Even Hitler had a dog…
Concerning the Charles Michael Segaloff / Michael Makai arrest. I’d like to address a point the troll on my original post brought up. To clarify for the idiots who didn’t get it from context, I’m sure there are PLENTY of very nice people in
Release Day: Monkey See, Monkey Do (Drunk Monkeys 9)
Monkey See, Monkey Do (Drunk Monkeys 9) is now available! Book 10, Monkeying Around, releases on 1/15/2016. Click here to order. Description When failure isn’t an option, that’s when you call…the Drunk Monkeys. Dumped and homeless on Thanksgiving, Dr. Leta
Raspberries…beware the Nomasaurus Sheldon!
I can’t help it. He’s adorable. No, I’m not biased at allllll. LOL Santa brought Sheldon raspberries and a zucchini for Christmas. Usually he only gets a diet of a variety of different greens, with occasional squash. I rarely give him
Coming Monday, 12/28: Monkey See, Monkey Do (Drunk Monkeys 9)
In case you missed it, you can pre-order Monkey See, Monkey Do (Drunk Monkeys 9). It releases on Monday, 12/28/15. Book 10, Monkeying Around, releases on 1/15/2016. Click here to pre-order. Description When failure isn’t an option, that’s when you
Merry Christmas!
…or Merry Tortmas, as Sheldon would say! 🙂 Wishing everyone a happy, healthy, and safe day!
Release Day: Can’t Dance Forever (A Wolf Mallory Mystery) by Jon Dalton
Woot! Can’t Dance Forever, the latest installment in Hubby’s Wolf Mallory series is live! [83.2k words, private detective, Florida mystery, suspense] After a string of brutally gruesome murders shocks the normally sedate Porto Cielo area, Wolf Mallory is dragged into the search
Consent 101 #BDSM #ConsentMatters
In light of the Michael Makai / Charles Michael Segaloff arrest, I’m going to reiterate the basics of consent when it comes to BDSM. This really is not a difficult topic to grok for most people, but apparently some self-appointed BDSM
US legal system primer: how someone is labelled a “registered sex offender.”
I’m seeing an appalling number of people who are either just woefully ignorant of how our justice system works, or are deliberately being willfully stupid, when it comes to this case of Michael Makai / Charles Michael Segaloff. You cannot just
Why you trust your gut: #BDSM and predators in the lifestyle. (Charles Michael Segaloff / Michael Makai arrest)
Information about sexual predator and registered sex offender Charles Michael Segaloff, aka self-proclaimed BDSM “expert” and author Michael Makai, aka Michael McKay, aka Michael Sage
Bohemian (Ballet) Rhapsody. You’re welcome.
Bohemian Rhapsody and gorgeous ballet dancers. Full-screen it, volume to 11. (Extra points if you sing all the voices.) You’re welcome. (Click here if the video doesn’t show up for you.) In Case You Missed It… Monkey See, Monkey Do