Gather around close, kiddies. It’s time for Auntie Tymber to tell you another scary tale of *DUN DUN DUUUUNNNNNN* Badly Behaving Authors!
Now on Audiobook: Love Slave for Two (Book 1)
You can find Love Slave for Two (book 1) as an audiobook on Amazon and Audible. (iTunes now available as well.) Audiobook: Amazon | Audible | iTunes Thanks! 🙂 LATEST NEWS: Available for Pre-Order: Vicious Carousel Now Available: Friends Like These
How to make PowerPoint work with Chromecast and Mac-flavored equipment.
Question: How do you make PowerPoint work with a Chromecast when you’re using a Mac computer/iPad? Answer: You don’t. Better answer: You can, but not the way you think. Problem: I usually used my Apple TV puck to mirror the
Monday…yeah, it’s like that. (Freebie Alert 6/1/2015)
This past week was…a week. I’m still recovering. I feel like I survived a bucking bronco without the benefit of landing in cow shit or having people cheering my efforts. The high point? I’ve got a book collection on special
Limited Time: Love Slave for Two 5-book collection only .99!
My five-book Love Slave for Two series collection has been reduced to .99 for a limited time at all retail outlets! Grab it while you can! 🙂 (If you’re missing one or more books from the series, this is an
Yay! Google is FINALLY getting off its ass about piracy in GooglePlay Books.
Remember a couple of weeks ago when I bitched about piracy in GooglePlay Books? Well, it hasn’t been just me bitching, either. Ink, Bits, and Pixels (formerly The Digital Reader) picked it up and ran with it, and has been
Freebie Alert: 5/22/2015 (The DM is on the Rampage Version…)
Time Machine Special: Triple Dog Dare (Triple Trouble 4) for .99!
For a VERY limited time, Siren-BookStrand has my book Triple Dog Dare (Triple Trouble 4) discounted as a Time Machine release for only .99!
It’s a new-moon, Mercury retrograde Monday. You know what it needs…?
…MORE COWBELL! LATEST NEWS: Coming Soon | Audiobooks | Latest Posts
Binge Watching Jericho…eh…
So a bad day of pain means a bed day of Netflix binge-watching something. Jericho is one of those series I’d always meant to watch when it came out and never did. So it came up on my Netflix queue
How to get LEGALLY free e-books. (Meaning you’re NOT screwing authors.)
Authors asking for reviews: the readers speak out. (And, FYI, they HATE Goodreads.)
So I conducted a highly scientific informal poll of my Tymber’s Trybe and Facebook peeps yesterday. (And a HUGE thank you to everyone who chimed in with their opinions.) The subject was asking about authors requesting reviews from readers. Which
Guest Blog: Writing Tip Wednesday – Advice for new authors.
Stop by and see me on Mellanie Szereto’s blog today where I dispense writing advice to new authors. (What’s the magic shortcut? You’ll have to read it to find out…) Writing Tip Wednesday — Writing Advice from Tymber Dalton —
First Chapter: A Bleacke Wind (Bleacke Shifters)
This is the first chapter from my upcoming self-published title A Bleacke Wind (Bleacke Shifters 3) writing as Lesli Richardson. I’m wrapping up final edits now to get it posted, so stay tuned! 🙂 Description Dewi Bleacke is the Targhee
Kindle Arrivals, & Write Your Ass Off: Tuesday Compendium
Some new books have hit Kindle and third-party sites. (Nook is its usual slow self, plus you might need to search by title because the release dates were uploaded incorrectly as 2011 instead of 2015. Yes, I’ve already emailed my