This is an excerpt from Borderline (Suncoast Society 57). This book is Bob’s book, a character introduced in Cardinal’s Rule, and who has appeared in a few other books.

Bob discovered the joys of serving a dominant woman in college. Later, he felt adrift and alone, until he started seeing Mistress Cardinal. For three years, he faithfully followed her rules, secretly in love with her, thinking he’d never be more than her client.

Until the day he realized he was more, and Tilly opened a little of her heart to him. Happiness had literally been within his grasp, until Tilly’s ex, Cris, and his Master, Landry, entered her life and swept her away. Despite the pain, Bob still loved her, and jumped at any chance to play or serve her. Even submitting to Landry, the man who became her husband.

But what happens when a tricky sadist has a sneaky plan of his own? What happens when Bob has a chance to cross that borderline from plaything to pet? Can he accept Landry’s terms, or will he have to walk away from the only woman he’s ever really loved?

Related Books: Cardinal’s Rule, Click, Impact, Happy Valenkink’s Day, Never Too Late for Love

Adult Excerpt:

Focusing on what they were doing now instead of thinking about the past, Bob wished Tilly was here tonight to help them with Axel. She was always so good with newbies, patiently explaining, or giving just the right amount of “suck it up” ’tude, whatever approach was needed. She was a natural teacher and mentor. She’d used a hard-hitting shock-and-awe approach with Axel that night at Venture, to jolt him into opening his mind, which seemed to have worked.

Now, all that remained was to see how open Axel would be to taking command of Skye.

They took a break from putting Skye through poses to eat dinner. While they ate, Bob was allowed to freely talk to Cris and Landry, even as he hand-fed Skye her dinner. She currently sat on the floor next to his chair like a two-legged puppy.

Landry had explained to Bob that he wanted her kept as far down in a submissive headspace as possible ahead of Axel’s arrival without having to put her through an impact play scene to get her there. Because Landry wouldn’t do anything sexual with her, which would be the fastest and easiest way to get her there, he resorted to this.

Actually, Bob was now glad that he wouldn’t be allowed to talk to Axel. He wanted to ask the guy what kind of fucking idiot he was. Here Skye had divorced a cheating asshole, was a beautifully trained submissive with a slave’s heart and a deep desire to serve, and Axel couldn’t find his nuts and at least try some basic play with her? While she was a masochist, it was more the heavy control aspect she needed than the pain. That was something Landry had quickly sussed out during his sessions with her.

All Axel had to do was man up and take her in hand and she’d be ecstatic.

It was like the guy was trying to sabotage his relationship on purpose.

Then again, Bob had been on the back end of trying to force someone into a role they didn’t want in the first place, and it had exploded.

During the past several weeks, Landry had both worked with Skye and Bob together for training, as well as brought Bob in as an assistant for scenes, like he was tonight. The past several weeks had also assuaged Bob’s fears that he might be easily tossed away and replaced.

Landry had held planning sessions with Bob, and with Tilly and Cris, when they were around for them, before working with Skye. Even if Bob was going to be in submissive mode instead of helper mode, Landry took the time to go through what he planned to do that night, and the goals, and to ask for input.

Bob felt…included.

Was he Landry’s submissive? Absolutely. Bob considered himself Landry’s slave, even if that wasn’t the label Landry had used.

He also felt like a partner, not simply property.

Although he was perfectly happy to call himself property, too.

As the evening progressed and Axel arrived, Bob defaulted to his orders. That helped him stay objective and in the moment and not break protocols to give Axel a piece of his mind.

He understood why, too. Landry didn’t want Bob to say or do anything to put Axel on the defensive and derail the scene. Silent judging would go more toward helping Axel realize he needed to keep his mind open than directly attacking him.

And Landry was a master at verbal manipulation, which he employed on Axel in their pre-scene chat, and they got to listen to in the pool house via a baby monitor.

A conversation Landry had wanted Skye to hear.

It warmed Bob’s heart that Landry talked about him. Landry wasn’t exactly fully honest with Axel about the circumstances of why Bob was now collared to them, but Landry had also warned him and Cris ahead of time about that. Landry’s approach was designed to pry Axel’s mind open as wide as possible, and to present Bob and Cris in as non-threatening a way as possible, so Axel would focus on Skye, not on any perceived encroachment from the other men.

The guy’s a fucking evil genius.

Which…was exactly why Bob now begged to give simulated oral sex and loved the taste of cum.

That made Bob smile.

Fortunately, as the scene started in the pool house, Axel appeared to be paying attention. Learning.

Bob didn’t fail to notice Landry went easier on Skye in some ways than he normally did when he played with her. And by the time the big finish happened—Axel actually stepping up and taking charge—Landry had smiled and winked at Bob.


Bob stayed behind as planned, turning off the overhead lights and retreating to the far corner of the room to stay out of the way. Through a window, he watched as outside on the lanai, Landry sat in a chair and called Cris over to him.

Cris dropped to his knees and, even in the darkness, Bob knew what was going on.

Landry was enjoying having Cris worship his cock.

Bob suppressed the slight envious pang that wanted to creep in. One day, maybe, that would be him. Hell, maybe even servicing Cris. At this point, Bob was fine with that.

Maybe that was a goal Landry was working him toward.

He wouldn’t question it, or push for a faster timeline.

He would simply…be.

He trusted the triad completely and knew they weren’t toying with him in bad or malicious ways.

Once Axel and Skye left, and Bob had all the implements cleaned and the pool house tidied, he walked out to stand near the men, behind Cris, awaiting the next order.

One of Landry’s hands rested on the back of Cris’ head. Landry lay stretched out in the chair, one leg propped on a hassock, his jeans open where Cris was worshipping his cock.

Landry held the other hand out to Bob, waving him around to his other side, where he pointed to the concrete deck.

Bob knelt next to him.

Landry plunged his fingers into Bob’s hair and gently pulled his face against his thigh, petting him.

In his jeans, Bob’s cock had completely thickened, throbbing, wanting more.

“My sweet pet,” Landry said. “I bet you wish you were in Cris’ place, no? Servicing my cock?”

“Yes, Sir,” Bob mumbled.

Why argue or deny? He’d never had fantasies about other guys before, but Landry was wicked smart and had reprogrammed Bob’s body to enjoy certain stimuli.

With any other men, no, this wouldn’t have happened. It wasn’t a magical turning of straight to gay. He was still straight.

It was a specific man opening his mind to the possibilities that lay out there, waiting to be claimed and enjoyed.

And he wanted it all.

He wanted them, Landry and Tilly and Cris.

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NSFW: Adult Excerpt from Borderline (Suncoast Society)
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