Sometimes, you find an actor who is the perfect person to represent one of your characters.

The other day, I shouted BINGO on that one. I’ve always sort of imagined Ryan Ausar (Good Will Ghost Hunting, Triple Trouble) and Tyler Paulson (Love Slave for Two) as being fairly close to each other in appearances.

Except one was a green-eyed archdemon in charge of The Firm, and the other was a blue-eyed writer.

Say hello to Colin Cunningham, currently starring on Blood Drive on SyFy.

And seriously, if you haven’t seen this show, it’s hysterical!

Yes, I know, in the books Ryan doesn’t have facial hair, but I gotta say, I saw this promo pic and nearly dropped my panties.

This man IS Ryan Ausar. Seriously.

Ryan is a tragic hero in every sense of the word. Without giving away any spoilers, he is a man who, literally, puts the cause–protecting the Earth–before himself.

Which…isn’t Julian Slink from Blood Drive. LOL

The character Cunningham is currently playing on Blood Drive is the antithesis of Ryan Ausar in every way, except he’s sneaky and not your average human, apparently.

But he’s a damn fun (and fine) sight to watch as Julian Slink.

Who, at this point in the series, we’re not exactly sure what he is. But he has a lot of great lines.


He also played a character in the show Falling Skies, which I’ll admit I haven’t seen yet.

It’s on my to-watch list, as has been, for a while.

Especially after seeing this shot.

Um, yum!

Especially when I think about some of the flashbacks in my Good Will Ghost Hunting books, where Ryan, Will, and Aidan look more like this guy than the clean-cut version.

*le sigh*

Ooooh, yeah. THAT’S Ryan.

So I hope you enjoyed this little peek into my brain!

(It is a skeery place. LOL)

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Character Fun: Ryan Ausar (Good Will Ghost Hunting)

4 thoughts on “Character Fun: Ryan Ausar (Good Will Ghost Hunting)

  • August 5, 2017 at 3:23 am

    It’s funny, cause I’m Falling skies he plays John Pope, the guy who puts himself first every time. He only helps other people for selfish reasons. Other than the aliens he’s the antagonist…

    • August 5, 2017 at 10:30 am

      I’ve never seen the show so I’ll have to bump it up in my queue.

      Ryan does start out with a reputation of being an asshole, but as the readers soon find out, that’s just a protective wall he perpetuates because it’s less painful than the truth. 🙂

    • August 5, 2017 at 10:55 am

      That’s the big difference between Ryan and John Pope…deep down John Pope is just a raging a**hole…

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