Subscribe to my newsletter and never miss an update! I’m taking part in a MASSIVE free e-book giveaway today! Two of my Lesli books are part of it. Feel free to share this post everywhere, but hurry, this ends tomorrow!!
Another quick freebie post, because a few popped up on my radar since the last one. (Remember, affiliate fees used in some places to make me a few extra pennies while not costing you a dime.) First, the bill-paying. LOL
(Reminder that I use affiliate links to make a few pennies and it doesn’t cost you a dime.) It’s that time again! Freeeeeebies. Who doesn’t love them? (Well, we like them being free, sometimes they aren’t that fantastic. Win some,
Before we get to the freebies, I have bills to pay. LOL Monday (12/11) is the release of Love Slave for Two: Retribution (Book 6). It’s available for pre-order now! Yes, there will be more books in that series.
Whew! What a week. I hate the “short” months because it’s a day lost on my deadline. Exhausted, massive fibro flare pain from stress and the weather, and just wishing I’d hit the Powerball. LOL I heard Scrivener (the software
(I include affiliate codes because it makes me a few extra pennies without costing you a dime.) Are you going to be at Shameless Book Con 2018 in Orlando? (October 19-21, 2018) I will! I’m a confirmed signing author. Hope
Time for another one of these since I haven’t put one together in a couple of weeks. I’ve been busy if you’ve been following my release schedule. But before the freebies, I have to pay the bills. 🙂 As always,
Man, our first massive cold front has hit our neck of the woods and dang, it’s cold! (By our standards.) And that means, yep, the fibro hates it. UGH. At least I had a new release this week to warm
*Despite Hubby and Sir’s and several friends’ best efforts, Tymber chews through her straitjacket straps, logs into website, and flashes manic Xanaxed grin* Did something happen last week? *cue crazed Joker giggling* Nothing? Nothing at all? Ahem. Seriously, it’s only
TGIF for sure! This one will be short and sweet, because I’m on deadline. LOL Two Against Nature (Suncoast Society 39) is available for pre-order and releases this coming Monday, 10/31! Click here to pre-order! I have a few spooky reads,
Who’s ready for some #freebies? Yeah, I thought so. LOL (Me, too!) First I have some bills to pay, though, so bear with me, please… Tomorrow (well, midnight central time tonight, which is 1am eastern) is release day for Beware
Happy Labor Day to my US peeps. (Happy Monday to everyone else!) Yes, Lefty still hurts. Thank you for all the well-wishes, sorry if I missed replying to anyone! Soooo happy it was benign. (Get ’em squished, ladies!) A few
It’s the weekend. Lots of kids are back in school, and that means the start to craziness for some families until their new routine is nailed down. So take any spare seconds you get to read and escape. Freebies after
This has been a loooong week. But a good one. Hubby and I celebrated 19 years on Tuesday. And the Olympics have started. Yay! Here’s some updates and news, and the freebies are after the jump. Have several books coming soon
TGIF! And, YAY, Geek Chic (Bleacke Shifters 2, writing as Lesli Richardson) is available as an audiobook! Audible | Amazon | iTunes Book three, A Bleacke Wind, is in production now. (Yes, I’ve got Bleacke Spirit in the edit queue,